पोस्ट विवरण
Dr. Pramod Murari
DeHaat Expert
3 year

Leaf borer pests are engaged in litchi plants, adopt this remedy

In the month of September, many types of pests attack the litchi plants. In which bark-eating insects and leaf and stem borer insects have the highest incidence. To protect plants from these pests, follow the measures given in this post.

leaf borer

  • Such pests lay eggs on the delicate leaves of plants.

  • In the beginning, they pierce the new leaves of the plants.

  • As the outbreak progresses, holes also appear in the branches of the plants.

  • The growth of affected plants is hampered by this pest.

  • The infestation of this pest is maximum in plants between the age of 8 to 10 years.

preventive measures

  • To avoid this, the affected branches should be separated from the plants and destroyed.

  • Plow the field after harvesting of fruits. This will control weeds in the litchi orchard and will also reduce the chances of pest infestation.

  • Spray 1 ml Karate or Allanto per liter of water at an interval of every 15 days when new leaves and shoots emerge.

  • Spraying by mixing 1 ml of chloropyrifos per liter of water can also get rid of this pest.

  • Apart from this, you can also spray by mixing 5 ml of activator with 5 ml of cutter per 15 liters of water.

  • These drugs can be sprayed 2 to 3 times at an interval of 7 to 8 days if required.

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