पोस्ट विवरण
Vibha Kumari
DeHaat Expert
3 year

Save mustard crop from mahu's wrath

In almost all areas of the country, there is an outbreak of mahu in the mustard crop. These pests can cause 50 to 60 percent damage to the mustard crop. To save the crop from mahu pest, get information about the identification of this pest, its damage and its control from here.

Mahu's identity

  • These insects are light green and yellow in color.

  • The length of mahu is 1 to 1.5 mm.

  • These pests are found in groups on the undersides of leaves and twigs of flowers.

damages caused

  • They damage the crop by sucking the sap from different parts of the plant.

  • Affected plants produce less flowers.

  • Plants also do not produce pods and grains.

  • Inhibits the growth of plants.

Control Methods

  • Apply 4 to 6 yellow sticky traps per acre of field.

  • To reduce its infestation, pluck and destroy the leaves, flowers and branches affected by the pest.

  • Mahu can be easily controlled by spraying 50 ml country hawk in 150 liters of water.

  • Apart from this, adding 1 ml imidacloprid per liter of water can also be sprayed.

Read also:

  • Get information about the symptoms of iron deficiency in mustard crop from here.

We hope that by using the medicines mentioned in this post, you can easily control the mahu pest. If you found this information important, then like this post and also share it with other farmer friends. So that other farmer friends can also get this information and get better yield of mustard. Ask us your questions related to this through comments.

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फसल चिकित्सक से मुफ़्त सलाह पाएँ