Symptoms and control methods of moco disease in banana plants
Banana plants suffer a lot due to Sigatoka disease, Cucumber disease, Moko disease, etc. If you cultivate banana, then it is necessary to know about the symptoms and prevention of these diseases. Through this post, you can get information about the causes, symptoms and methods of prevention of moco disease in banana plants. Moko's disease is also known as bacterial wilt disease. It is a bacterial disease. Due to this disease, there is heavy loss of crop. Let us get to know in detail on this.
cause of moko disease
The disease is caused by a bacterium called Pseudomonas solanacearum.
Damage caused by Moko's disease
At the onset of the disease, the young leaves of the plants start turning yellow.
After some time the yellow leaves dry up and fall.
As the disease progresses, the old leaves of the plants also turn yellow and dry up.
When the stem is cut, the stem looks yellow or brown from inside.
The fruits affected by the disease appear healthy from above but the pulp of the fruit becomes brown in colour.
Nutrients do not reach the upper parts of the plants.
Ways to Control Moco Disease
Make proper arrangement of drainage while preparing the field. This will reduce the chances of getting the disease.
Before planting banana plants in the affected areas, leave the field open for a few days after deep plowing 1 to 2 times. This will destroy the bacteria already present in the field.
Destroy the affected plants to prevent the spread of the disease.
Read also:
Get information about the symptoms and control of anthracnose disease in banana fruits from here.
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