Thrips control in chilli crop
Thrips insect is also known as Taila in many places. The infestation of this pest starts about 2-3 weeks after transplanting. Thrips is most prevalent in plants during flowering. If your chilli crop is also getting affected by this pest, then from here you can see the preventive measures.
symptom of outbreak
These insects suck the sap of leaves and other soft parts of plants.
Thrips causes leaves to curl upwards.
As the outbreak progresses, plant growth stops.
There is a huge reduction in crop yield.
preventive measures
Destroy affected plants to prevent them from spreading.
Treat seed per kg with 2 ml imidacloprid.
To reduce the infestation of thrips, spray imidacloprid @ 1 ml per liter of water.
Read also:
Click here for information on the different varieties of chili.
Click here to know the exact time of sowing chillies.
Click here to save chilli plants from thrush disease.
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