To save the pea crop from the disease, then do this work

Not only peas, many crops like gram, lentil, tur, oilseed crops, sugarcane, etc. are also badly affected by Uktha disease. Up to 40 to 45 percent of the pea crop can be destroyed due to Uktha disease. Check out this fungal disease and its control methods from here.
symptom of uttha disease
The disease is more likely to occur in young and young plants.
Yellowing of leaves is the initial symptom of this disease.
As the disease progresses, the plants wither and dry up.
The roots and stems of the affected plants become black in color.
Plants do not produce pods and grains.
Methods of Control of Uchha Disease
Follow crop rotation to avoid Uktha disease.
Before sowing, treat the seed with 1 gm Carbendazim or 4 gm Trichoderma per kg of seed.
Plow the field by mixing 1.5 kg Trichoderma powder per acre.
If symptoms of disease are seen in standing crop, mix 1 ml tebuconazole per liter of water and apply it to the roots of plants.
To control this disease, mix 25 grams of Countryside Full Stop in 15 liters of water and spray it.
Read also:
Get information about the work to be done for good development of peas from here.
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