crab farming method

Due to the increasing demand of crabs in the national and international market, the trend of farmers is increasing towards crab farming. If you also want to increase your income through crab farming then read this post carefully. From here you can get information about the methods of crab farming as well as the fodder provided to them. Let us first know about the different methods of crab farming. Crab farming is done in two ways. The first is the grow out method and the second is the fattening method.
grow out method
In this method small crabs are reared for 5 to 6 months to increase in size.
In this method the crabs are reared in the pond.
The size of the pond can be kept from 0.5 to 2.0 hectare as per the requirement.
Make a circle around the pond so that the crabs do not come out.
The water of the pond should be changed at regular intervals.
1 to 3 crabs can be reared per square meter.
Sometimes crabs of proper size are obtained only after rearing the crabs for 3 months.
fattening method
By this method the soft shell crabs are reared till their upper shell hardens.
Soft shell crabs are reared in small ponds ranging in size from 0.025 to 0.2 ha and depth from 1 to 1.5 m.
Before putting the soft shell crabs in the pond, drain the pond water and dry the pond in the sun and prepare the pond by adding sufficient amount of lime.
Pay special attention to the water path in the pond. Sometimes the crabs come out through the water course of the pond.
Observe the crabs in these ponds at regular intervals to check the hardness.
crab diet
Kekaro can be given salted fish, water oysters or boiled chicken to eat.
Crabs should be given feed at the rate of 5 to 8 percent of their weight.
If feeding twice a day, most of the feed should be given in the evening.
Read also:
How crab farming is becoming a new means of livelihood? To learn more , click here.
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