earn more from duck farming
Most of the people involved in poultry farming in our country keep chickens. Duck rearing can earn more profit as compared to poultry farming. Duck farming also costs less and ducks lay more eggs than chickens. Farmers cultivating paddy-wheat can also increase their income by raising ducks. Let us know about some essential things for duck farming and its benefits.
Location selection for duck farming
For this a quiet place should be chosen.
Each duck requires 1.5 square feet of land.
The area around the pond is best for raising ducks.
If there is no pond, can you not build a pond, then only by making 2 to 3 feet deep and wide drains, you can also raise ducks.
duck diet
Ducks require a protein-rich diet.
The chicks should be given up to 22 percent digestible protein.
When the ducks are about to lay eggs, give them a diet containing only 18 to 20 percent protein.
The chicks can be given broken rice grains soaked in water.
benefits of duck farming
Ducks lay 2 times more eggs than chickens.
A duck lays from 280 to 300 eggs in a year.
Ducks are also less prone to diseases.
The cost of feeding is less than that of chickens.
Each egg of ducks weighs 65 to 70 grams.
The demand for duck eggs and meat remains in the market.
We hope this information will prove to be important for you. If you liked this information, then like this post and also share it with other farmer friends. Ask us your questions related to duck farming through comments.
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