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Dr. Pramod Murari
DeHaat Expert
3 year

Benefits of using mycorrhiza in crops

Mycorrhiza is a microscopic organism. It lives symbiotically between plant roots and fungi. It helps the plants to absorb important nutrients. It is also used as an organic fertilizer. Along with crops, it is also very beneficial for the soil. Let us get detailed information on the benefits and method of use of mycorrhiza.

In which crops to use My Coryza?

  • It can be used in vegetable crops grown in nurseries.

  • It is used in many crops like Brinjal, Chilli, Okra, Potato, Onion, Groundnut, Tomato, Cabbage, Watermelon, Celery, Garlic, etc.

Benefits of mycorrhiza

  • It helps in the development of roots.

  • Its use increases the yield of crops.

  • The fertility of the soil increases.

  • By using this, the soil can be saved from the ill effects of chemical fertilizers.

  • It is helpful in increasing the availability of phosphorus in the soil by 60 to 80 percent.

  • It helps in improving the physical and chemical composition of the soil.

  • Its use makes it easier for the plants to absorb water. Due to which the plants become drought tolerant.

  • It is effective in protecting crops from many harmful soil-borne diseases.

  • It improves soil quality and also prevents soil erosion.

how to use mycorrhiza

  • Immerse the roots before transplanting the plants by adding 5 ml of mycorrhiza per liter of water. This promotes good root development.

  • 200 g to 250 g of mycorrhiza can be given per acre of field with drip irrigation.

  • Do not use chemical fungicide and weed killer 15 days before and 15 days after using mycorrhiza.

Read also:

Use of humic acid to increase the fertilizer capacity of the soil. Get more information here.

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