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प्रगतिशील किसान | प्रगतिशील शेतकरी
Vibha Kumari
DeHaat Expert
3 year

Get subsidy for construction of polyhouse

To promote polyhouse farming, subsidy is being given by the government for the construction of polyhouses and green houses. Different subsidy has been fixed for different category of candidates. Let us get to know in detail about the subsidy given for the construction of polyhouse.

Terms and Conditions for getting subsidy on Poly House

  1. The subsidy will be given to each candidate only for an area of 500 to 4,000 square meters.

  2. The structure of polyhouse and green house will have to be constructed from the firm selected by the government. Only after that the subsidy will be given to the candidates.

  3. It is mandatory to do physical verification of polyhouse or green house structure within 1 month of construction. This physical verification will be done by Agriculture Officer Assistant Agriculture Officer Agriculture Supervisor Assistant Director Horticulture.

  4. The subsidy will be paid to the company making the polyhouse/greenhouse with the consent of the farmer.

  5. The farmer is not obliged to take any kind of loan.

Documents Required for Subsidy

Applying candidates are required to have the following documents.

  • Farmer's land ownership certificate

  • Permanent Resident Certificate

  • irrigation equipment document

  • Aadhar Card and Aadhar Card Linked Mobile Number

  • bank passbook

  • passport size photograph of the applicant

  • soil and water test report

  • Small / Marginal, SC & ST Certificate

  • Map of the field or area in which the poly house / green house is to be constructed

  • soil and water test report

  • Registration number and issue date of the application form by the farmer online or in the department

Read also:

  • Get information on grants for the food processing industry here.

We hope this information will prove to be important for you. If you liked this information, then like this post and also share it with other farmers. So that other farmer friends can also take advantage of this information and get subsidy on the construction of polyhouse. Ask us your questions related to this through comments. Stay connected with the countryside for more information related to agriculture.

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