Gladiolus: Keep these things in mind for more profit

Higher profits depend on the yield and quality of crops. If you do floriculture, then gladiolus cultivation can prove to be beneficial for you. To earn more profit from the cultivation of gladiolus flowers of many colors like red, pink, white, orange, yellow, purple, etc., keep the things mentioned in this post in mind.
For good yield, it is necessary to know about the preparation of suitable soil field, planting of tubers, amount of manure and fertilizer, etc. Let us get to know in detail about this topic.
Soil Suitable for Gladiolus
For proper growth of some crops heavy soil is required and for some crops sandy soil, loamy soil, alkaline soil proves to be more beneficial. The selection of crops for cultivation should always be done according to the soil.
Cultivate Gladiolus in fertile loamy soil.
The pH level of the soil should be between 5.5 to 7.0.
farm preparation
Proper preparation of the field gives good yield and the risk of pests and weeds is also less. Use proper amount of fertilizers at the time of tillage. The right amount of fertilizers is essential for proper growth of plants.
While preparing the field for gladiolus, apply 50 kg nitrogen, 50 kg phosphorus and 10 kg potash per acre of field.
To control weeds, 2 weeks before transplanting, spray 5 ml of glyphosate per liter of water.
For good quality of flowers, add 10 to 12 tonnes of decomposed cow dung per acre of field.
After plowing the field well, make beds at a height of 15 to 25 cm from the ground surface.
Tuber transplantation and tuber treatment method
It is extremely important to treat the tubers before transplanting. By treating the tubers, plants can be saved from many types of pests and harmful diseases. On the other hand, if it is not planted properly, then it has a direct effect on the yield.
Before transplanting, treat the tubers by adding 2 g of Captan per liter of water.
Plant the tubers at a distance of 15 cm.
Give the first irrigation when the plant emerges from the bulb.
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