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Dr. Pramod Murari
DeHaat Expert
3 year

How to plant onions?

There are many things to keep in mind while cultivating onions. One of these is planting of plants. Negligence in transplanting plants adversely affects the quality and yield of the crop. If you are cultivating onions in this Rabi season, then you can get information about transplanting plants in the main field from here.

  • Before transplanting onions in the main field, the plants are prepared in the nursery.

  • In the Rabi season, the seedlings are ready in the nursery in about 8 to 9 weeks.

  • The roots should be soaked in 9 per cent Carbendazim or Trichoderma solution before transplanting the plants in the main field. With this, the plants can be saved from the infestation of many diseases and pests.

  • Plants should be planted in the beds.

  • There should be a distance of 15 cm between all the beds.

  • Keep a distance of 10 cm from plant to plant.

  • Apply light irrigation 3-4 days after transplanting the plants.

  • Do not allow water logging in the field.

Read also:

  • Click here to learn how to protect onion and garlic plants from sap-sucking pests.

By following the things mentioned in this post at the time of planting onions, you will be able to get a better crop of onions. If you found this information important then please like this post. Also share it with other farmers. So that other farmer friends can also get good crop of onion. Ask us your questions related to its cultivation through comments.

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