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Dr. Pramod Murari
DeHaat Expert
4 year

Prepare the field in this way for better crop of carrots

Carrot is one of the cool season vegetables cultivated. It is most commonly used as a salad. Apart from this, vegetables, pickles etc. are also made from it. Carrots are one of the root vegetables rich in protein. See the method of preparing the field before its cultivation from here.

farm preparation

  • While preparing the field, first plow with Victory Plow 2 times.

  • After this, do light plowing 3 to 4 times.

  • For light tillage, country plow or cultivator can be used.

  • At the time of last tillage, add 10 to 12 tonnes of well decomposed cow dung per acre of field. In place of cow dung manure, dung manure can also be used.

  • To protect against termites, dung moth and other pests, mix 6 kg fipronil at the rate of 0.3% gr per acre.

  • While preparing the field, add 20 kg nitrogen, 18 kg phosphorus and 20 kg potash per acre of field.

  • After plowing, to make the soil of the field friable and level, put a pat in the field.

  • Prepare beds in the field for sowing seeds.

  • Keep a distance of 30 to 40 cm between the plants.

  • Sow seeds in these beds, after sowing, do light irrigation.

  • Do not let the soil lack moisture. Along with this, proper arrangement for drainage should also be made.

We hope that by preparing the field in the manner described in this post, you will be able to get a better crop of carrots. If you found this information suitable, then like this post and also ask your questions to us through comments.

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