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Dr. Pramod Murari
DeHaat Expert
3 year

Prepare the field in this way for planting sugarcane

By cultivating sugarcane in spring, you can get a good crop of it. If you want to cultivate sugarcane this season, then see the method of preparing the field from here. Along with the method of preparing the field, you can also get information about fertilizers and fertilizers from here.

  • To get a good crop, cultivate sugarcane in loamy soil, sandy soil, yellow soil and black soil.

  • Make proper drainage system in the field.

  • While preparing the field, first do deep plowing for 1 time.

  • After this, after doing light plowing 2 to 3 times, plant the field in the field. Due to which the soil of the field will become friable and level.

  • About 60 kg of nitrogen, 24 kg of phosphorus and 16 kg of potash are required per acre of land to obtain a high quality crop.

  • At the time of preparation of the field, half the amount of Nitrogen with full amount of Potash and Phosphorous should be mixed in the field.

  • Distribute the remaining half of the nitrogen in 2 parts and spray it on the standing crops.

  • It is beneficial to mix neem cake cake and rotted cow dung while preparing the field.

Read also:

  • Click here to get information on Fertilizer Management in Sugarcane Crop.

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