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brinjal (eggplant)
Dr. Pramod Murari
DeHaat Expert
4 year

Some improved varieties of brinjal

Different varieties of brinjal are cultivated in different regions of our country. There is also a lot of difference in the color and size of all varieties of brinjal. The fruits of many varieties are purple in color, while there are some varieties whose fruits are white, green and pink in color. The size of the fruit also varies with the colour. Eggplant fruits are round, oval, elongated and pear-like. If you are looking to cultivate brinjal, then from here you can get information about some of its improved varieties.

  • Pusa Hybrid 5: Suitable for cultivation in Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The fruits of this variety are dark purple in color and elongated in size. About 80 to 90 days after transplanting, the first harvest of fruits can be done. The yield per acre of field is 20 to 26 tonnes.

  • Arka Navneet: Fruits of this variety are round in shape. The fruits are bright purple in color. The specialty of this variety is that its fruits have more anus and less seeds. Each fruit weighs 350-400 grams. The yield ranges from 24 to 26 tonnes per acre of land.

  • Green Long: This is one of the hybrid varieties. Its fruits are long and green in color. Plants produce fruits in clusters. First harvesting can be done about 60 days after transplanting.

  • Punjab Evergreen: Plant height of this variety is 50-60 cm. Its fruits are long, dark purple and spiny. The length of the fruits is 18-20 cm. The incidence of fruit borer is less in this variety as compared to other varieties. 12 to 16 tonnes of brinjal can be obtained per acre of field.

Apart from these varieties there are many other varieties of brinjal which are successfully cultivated. These varieties include Pusa Hybrid 6, Bhima, Pant Rituraj, Pusa Sankar 9, Pusa Shyamal, Pusa Kranti, Pant Samrat, Kashi Sandesh, Arka Kusumkar, Arka Neelkanth, etc.

Read also:

  • Get information on some other varieties of brinjal here.

We hope that by cultivating these varieties, you will be able to get better yield of brinjal. If you liked this information, then like this post and also share it with other farmers. So that other friends can also get a good crop of brinjal. Ask us your questions related to this through comments.

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