Symptoms and prevention of ergot disease in millet crop

Bajra is one of the crops cultivated in Kharif season. It is mainly cultivated among fodder crops. With its cultivation, farmers can earn more profit in less time. Bajra crop is prone to many diseases. One of which is ergot disease. This disease is also known as Chopa. If the symptoms of this disease are also visible in your millet crop, then by adopting the measures given in this post, get rid of it easily.
symptoms of ergot disease
Pink colored sticky thick juice starts coming out from the plants affected by this disease.
After some time the color of this sticky substance changes to dark brown.
As the disease progresses, instead of grains, dark brown nodules are formed in the millet earrings.
These sticky substances and nodules are poisonous.
Due to this disease, there is a huge reduction in the yield of grains.
preventive measures
To avoid this disease, choose disease free and certified seeds only.
Select healthy seeds by soaking the seeds in water mixed with 20% salt before sowing.
Before sowing, treat each kg of seed with Thiram 75% WS 2.5 gm or 2 gm Carbendazim 50% WP.
Avoid cultivating millet in the area where this disease is prevalent.
Destroy the affected buds by separating them from the plants.
Do deep plowing at the time of field preparation.
Adopt suitable crop rotation to avoid disease.
Control weeds around the field in the field.
Sowing the crop on time reduces the chances of getting ergot disease.
After harvesting, do deep plowing in the field. This will destroy the disease bacteria present in the soil.
Spraying of Mancozeb @ 0.2% in 250 liters of water per acre of land, on showing signs of disease.
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