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Dr. Pramod Murari
DeHaat Expert
3 year

Tea leaves: a natural fertilizer

Due to the ill effects of harmful chemicals, farmers are getting attracted towards organic farming. Now if we talk about organic farming, then the fertilizers used in plants should also be organic. In such a situation, the used tea leaves which we often throw away, it is a better alternative to organic manure.

Nitrogen, minerals, potassium, phosphorus, antioxidants and many other micronutrients are found in tea leaves. Therefore it acts as a great natural fertilizer for plants. Many nutrients are supplied to the plants by its use.

If you also do kitchen gardening, after making tea, instead of throwing its leaves, clean it with water and dry it well in the sun. After this, use it as a natural fertilizer for plants. This leads to good growth of plants.

Apart from this, high quality compost can also be prepared by mixing tea leaves with other fruit peels, leaves, grass, etc.

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