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Dr. Pramod Murari
DeHaat Expert
4 year

Weed Management in Tomato Cultivation

To get a good tomato crop, weed control is essential. Due to the excess of weeds, the plants do not get proper nutrients and the plants become weak. This directly affects the yield and quality of the crop. If they are not controlled in time, the crop yield decreases by 70 to 90 percent. If you are cultivating tomatoes this season, then follow the methods given here to keep the field free from weeds.

damage caused by overgrowth of weeds

  • Excess of weeds has a negative effect on the yield and quality of the crop.

  • Different types of grass absorb the essential nutrients present in the soil. Due to this the main crop does not get the necessary nutrition and the plants become weak.

  • Inhibits the growth of plants.

  • Pests and diseases grow quickly in weeds. Which cause damage to the crops by spreading in the main crop.

weed management

  • Spread mulch in the field. Due to this, weeds come out less and their growth also decreases.

  • Keep weeding and hoeing in the field at intervals of some time.

  • A hoe or a spade can be used for weeding.

  • After weeding, apply soil near the roots of the plants.

  • To control weeds, before sowing, sprinkle 400 ml Pendimethylene per acre of land in 200 liters of water.

By adopting the methods given in this post, you can definitely control weeds in tomato cultivation. If you found this information necessary, then like this post and also share it with other farmers. Ask us your questions related to this through comments.

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