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Dr. Pramod Murari
DeHaat Expert
3 year

Work to be done in crops in the second week of December

What do farmers do for a good harvest? Despite this, due to lack of information many times proper yield is not available. In such a situation, it is very important to have the right information at the right time. From here you can get information about the work done in crops, fruits and vegetables in the second week of December.

  • Wheat: If you have not sowed wheat yet, then this is the right time to sow its late varieties. Give first irrigation to wheat crop sown in November.

  • Barley: Sow late varieties of barley. Irrigate crops sown on time.

  • Mustard: Irrigation should be done for good mustard crop. Prune the upper part of the plant, this increases the number of branches.

  • Peas: In timely sown peas, give light irrigation once before flowering. Light hoeing should also be done after 4-5 days of irrigation. With this weeds can be controlled.

  • Tomato: Irrigate tomatoes to protect them from cold. Due to the presence of moisture in the soil, the temperature does not drop quickly. Spray 0.2% mancozeb solution to protect the plants from late blight disease. To increase the number of flowers and fruits in tomato plants, sprinkle 2 ml Dehat Fruit Plus in 15 liters of water.

  • Papaya: Spray fertilizers sometime after transplanting of new plants. Apply fertilizers after soil test.

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