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seed treatment
Vibha Kumari
DeHaat Expert
3 year

Yield will be affected due to these reasons for not germinating seeds

Germination of seeds is the most important function for the cultivation of any crop. There are many ways to germinate seeds. By adopting certain methods, the seeds germinate quickly. There are some other methods by which seeds take longer to germinate. Apart from this, many times, even after sowing the seeds in the right way, there is a problem in the germination of the seed or the seeds are not able to germinate. Therefore, it is very important to know the reasons for this. Let us elaborate on some of the major reasons why seeds do not germinate.

Some major reasons why seeds do not germinate

  • Seed Quality: Sometimes the quality of the seed is not good. Due to which the seeds are not able to germinate. While buying seeds, take special care that you are choosing healthy seeds free from disease. To get high quality seeds, buy seeds only from a good fertilizer-seed store.

  • Dormant seeds: Different crops and vegetables are cultivated according to different seasons. In such a situation, chemicals are sometimes applied to the seed and inactivated for some time. Due to which the seeds germinate only in a particular season. Therefore, while selecting the seed, take special care of the season as well.

  • Maintenance of seed: Maintenance of seed is also included in the reasons for not germinating. Seeds get spoiled if the seeds are stored at higher temperatures or in damp places. Therefore, the seed should always be stored in a dry place and at normal temperature.

  • Early or late sowing: It is very important to sow at the right time. It is difficult to germinate even if sowing is not done at the right time. If you want to cultivate a crop a few days ahead of time, choose the Ageri varieties. At the same time, choose late varieties for sowing a little late.

  • Seed Depth: At the time of sowing of seeds, special attention should be paid to the depth. Sow wide and large size seeds at a depth of 4 to 6 cm. At the same time, sow small size seeds at a depth of 2 to 3 cm. Do not sow deeper than this. Along with this, it is also necessary to keep in mind the distance. The short distance also causes problems in germination.

  • Infestation of diseases and pests: Sometimes the seeds get destroyed due to some soil borne and fungal diseases and pests like termites, nematodes, etc. Apart from this, birds and rats also damage the seeds by eating them in the field. Which gives rise to this problem.

  • Irrigation: Excessive irrigation can also cause problems in seed germination. Sometimes the seeds rot due to excessive irrigation. Even if the seeds germinate, the plants become weak and are affected by wet rot disease and die.

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