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Soil testing
Krishi Tech
15 Mar

Soil Testing: Advantages and Sampling Process

Soil Testing: Advantages and Sampling Process

Soil, the uppermost layer of the earth's surface, plays a vital role in crop production. It contains various nutrients, micronutrients, and organic substances essential for plant growth. Across different regions of India, various types of soil such as sandy soil, clayey soil, black soil, loamy soil, etc., are found. Each soil type possesses its own characteristics, both physical, chemical, and biological, which are beneficial for different types of crops.

Over time, prolonged use of harmful chemicals in the fields leads to a gradual decline in the fertility of the soil, adversely affecting crop yield and quality. Despite years of experience, estimating the fertile capacity of the soil remains challenging for farmers. In such situations, the productivity of crops is affected.

To achieve high-quality crops and increased yields, it is crucial to have knowledge about the elements present in the soil. Soil testing emerges as a better solution to prevent this issue. By conducting soil tests, farmers can acquire valuable information about the soil.

Benefits of Soil Testing

  • Improving Soil Quality: Soil testing provides farmers with accurate information about the pH level of the soil and the presence of organic matter, salts, nutrients, and micronutrients. This enables the enhancement of soil quality by supplementing the deficient nutrients.
  • Enhancing Soil Fertility: Soil testing facilitates the improvement of soil fertility by making it easier to increase its nutrient-retaining capacity.
  • Crop Yield and Quality: Utilizing appropriate amounts of nutrients enhances both the yield and quality of crops.
  • Better Crop Health: Soil testing assists farmers in identifying diseases and pests originating from the soil, enabling them to control them before they harm the crops.
  • Environmental Conservation: Soil testing helps farmers avoid excessive use of fertilizers and other chemicals, leading to a reduction in soil and water pollution.
  • Increased Profitability: By selecting crops based on the nutrient content of the soil, farmers can achieve better yields, resulting in higher profits.

When to do Soil Testing?

  • To obtain better crops, soil testing should be done one month before sowing or planting the crop.
  • If you cultivate using intensive methods, soil testing should be done every year.
  • If only one crop is cultivated in the field in a year, then soil testing should be done at intervals of 2 or 3 years.

Where can you get Soil Testing done?

  • To conduct soil testing, you can contact your local agricultural department or agricultural university.
  • Additionally, you can also get soil testing done through 'DeHaat'.
  • You will need to click on the link provided here to fill out the form.
  • In the form, you will select the preferred time for a DeHaat executive to collect a soil sample.
  • Within 7 days, you can receive the soil testing report.

Procedure for Soil Sampling

  • Mark 8-10 spots in the field where soil testing needs to be conducted.
  • Remove any grass, debris, stones, etc., from the marked spots.
  • Dig soil samples from each spot up to a depth of 15 centimeters.
  • Now remove 2-3 cm of soil from all the pits. Mix the soil taken out from all the pits thoroughly.
  • Divide the collected soil into four parts. Mix soil from opposite sides and discard the remaining soil.
  • Repeat the process until you have around 500 gm of soil.
  • Along with the sample, provide your name, complete address, field identification, date of sampling, land gradient, irrigation source, drainage, upcoming crop for sowing, details of previous year's crops, etc.
  • Submit the soil samples along with the details to the nearest laboratory for testing.

Things to Keep in Mind While Collecting Soil Samples

  • Avoid sampling wet soil. If the soil is wet, dry the sample in the shade before sending it for testing.
  • Use a clean container to prevent contamination of the soil sample.
  • If different crops are grown in various parts of the same field, take separate samples from each area.
  • Do not take samples from fields where compost manure, organic or chemical fertilizers, mortar, gypsum, etc., have been recently applied.
  • Do not take samples from field ridges or pathways. Take samples from at least 1-1.5 meters inside the field boundary.

Please Note

  • Click here to avail soil testing services provided by DeHaat.
  • Soil testing services by DeHaat are currently available only in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Haryana. In the future, this service will also be initiated in other states of India.

Have you ever had your soil tested? If yes, how did it benefit you? Feel free to share your answers and experiences in the comments. For more information on modern agricultural techniques, follow the 'Krishi Tech' channel now. Don't forget to like and share this post to spread this information to more farmers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How is soil testing done?

A: Soil samples from various parts of the field are collected and sent to the nearest agricultural department or agricultural university. These samples are then analyzed in the laboratory after testing. After the testing is done, you will receive a report on it.

Q: When should soil testing be done?

A: It is essential to conduct soil testing before planting any crop or at least once every three years. In India, the ideal time for soil testing is considered to be before the onset of the monsoon season, from March to June, or after the conclusion of the monsoon season, from October to December.

Q: Why should soil testing be conducted?

A: The advantages of soil testing are quite crucial, as it sheds light on the soil's fertility status, which often diminishes due to the presence of harmful chemicals commonly used in farming practices. This degradation makes the soil less capable of retaining vital nutrients, leading to a gradual decline in crop yields. Through soil sampling benefits, crucial information regarding essential elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and trace elements like zinc, manganese, copper, iron, boron, molybdenum, and chlorine, alongside pH levels, is obtained. By leveraging this insightful data, farmers can implement targeted improvements to optimize soil health and foster better crop yields over time.

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