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Pest Management
Agri Doctor
14 May

Protecting Your Crops During Unseasonal Rains

Unseasonal rain can increase the risk of pests and diseases in crops. Unseasonal rainfall provides a favorable environment for pests to thrive and proliferate. In such circumstances, pests can cause significant damage to crops in a short period of time. To protect crops from the onslaught of pests and diseases due to unseasonal rainfall, it is important to practice regular monitoring of crops, select resistant varieties against pests and diseases, adopt crop rotation, and utilize organic or chemical methods when necessary. For detailed information on this topic, carefully read through the post.

Major Pests Affecting Crops During Unseasonal Rains

Damage Caused by White Grub Insects

These insects are pale white in color. Their bodies are thick and their mouths are deep brown in color. The length of this insect is about 18 mm and the width is up to 7 mm. These insects, living in the soil, first harm the roots of plants. Many times these insects also damage crops by eating stems along with the roots of plants. Plants affected by this insect start to dry up. Holes can be seen in the stems when this insect infests the concerned crops.

Control Methods - White Grub Insects

  • Before sowing, cultivate the field well. This will bring the existing pests and insects in the soil to the surface, where they will be destroyed by the intense sunlight.
  • Avoid using raw cow dung in the field. There is a higher chance of pests and insects thriving in raw cow dung. During cultivation, apply 6.67-13 kg of Fipronil 0.3% GR (DeHaat Slaymite) per acre of land.
  • Apply 175-200 gm of Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG (DeHaat DMF) per acre of land.

Damage Caused by Termites

These insects, mostly living inside the soil, cause significant harm to crops. Termites are small and shiny in appearance. These insects, with their light yellow to brown color, cut the stems near the surface of the soil, severely affecting the crops. They also harm the roots of plants along with germinating seeds. They weaken the plants by sucking the sap from the roots, causing them to wither in a few days.

Control Methods - Termites

  • Termites quickly thrive in raw dung. Therefore, do not use raw dung in the field.
  • To protect crops from termite infestation, while preparing the field, mix 200 kg of neem cake per acre of land and plow the field well.
  • Use 6.67-13 kg of Fipronil 0.3% GR (DeHaat Slaymite) per acre of field.
  • Treat per kg of seeds with 1.32-4 ml of Thiamethoxam 30% FS (DeHaat Asear FS, Adama Taliah, UPL Reno).
  • Termite infestation can also be prevented by treating per kg of seeds with 1-3 ml of Imidacloprid 48% FS (Katyayani Aakrosh, Bayer Gaucho).
  • In the case of standing crops showing termite infestation, use 300 ml of Chlorpyriphos 20% EC (Shriram Chlor, Silver Crop Chlorosil 20, Hifield Darban) per acre of field.

Major Diseases Affecting Crops During Unseasonal Rains

Damage Caused by Root Rot

This is a fungal disease. The roots of affected plants start rotting. The stems also start rotting from near the surface of the soil. The color of the stem turns brown. The leaves of the plants begin to appear yellow. After some time, the plant starts drying up.

Control Methods - Root Rot Disease

  • To protect the crop from this disease, treat every kg of seed with 3 gm of Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% DS (Dhanuka Vitavax Power) before sowing.
  • After the onset of the disease in standing crops, use 300-600 gm of Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP (DeHaat Saabu) per acre in the field.
  • Apply 500 gm of Copper Oxychloride 50% WP (UPL Blitox) per acre by drenching or use during irrigation.
  • Also, mix 30 gm of Ridomil Gold in 15 liters of water and spray.

Damage Caused by Fusarium Wilt Disease

The main cause of this disease is a fungus called Fusarium oxysporum. Due to this disease, crop yield can decrease by 10-12 percent. With the increasing incidence of the disease, the yield can decrease by up to 50-78 percent. Crops such as pigeon peas, chickpeas, peas, sugarcane, rice, lentils, tomatoes, brinjal, bottle gourd, mango, guava, etc., are affected by this disease. The spores of this disease can remain alive without any nourishment for up to 6 years. In the initial stage of this disease, the lower leaves of the plant start to wither and dry up. As the infection progresses, the entire plant withers and dries up. If fruits have formed on the plants, symptoms of this disease can also be observed on the fruits. Brown-black spots start to appear on the affected fruits.

Control Methods - Fusarium Wilt Disease

  • Adopt crop rotation to protect crops from this disease. Remove and destroy infected plants from the field.
  • Treat seeds with 2 gm of Beauveria Bassiana per kg of seed before sowing.
  • Before transplanting, treat the roots of plants by dipping them in a solution of 2 gm of Carbendazim 50% WP (Dhanuka - Dhanustin) per liter of water.
  • Use 400 gm of Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP (DeHaat Saabu) per acre in the field.
  • Mix 400 gm of Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP in 200 liters of water per acre and apply through the drenching process. This medication is available in the market under the name "Roko".

In the event of unexpected rainfall, what kind of problems do you face in your crops? Share your answers and experiences with us through comments. For more information like this, follow the 'Agri Doctor' channel now. Also, don't forget to like and share this post.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What diseases affect the crops?

A: There are many diseases that can affect crops, including mosaic virus disease, root rot disease, wilt disease, powdery mildew, downy mildew, stem rot disease, etc. Use appropriate medications and chemicals to control these diseases.

Q: Which viral diseases affect the plants?

A: Mosaic virus disease, curl virus disease, ringspot disease, etc., are some major virus-induced diseases. These diseases can cause significant reductions in crop yield. To protect crops from damage, use appropriate medications and chemicals as soon as symptoms of these diseases are observed.

Q: What is pest management in agriculture?

A: Pest management in agriculture refers to the practices and techniques used to control pests. Pests can cause significant damage to crops, soil, and livestock. Various methods are employed in pest management to eliminate different types of pests, including traditional, biological, and chemical methods.

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