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French bean
Krishi Gyan
27 June

Cultivation of French Beans

French beans, also known as green beans or snap beans, are a popular vegetable crop in India. It is an important leguminous crop that provides yield more than chickpeas and peas. The cultivation of french beans primarily takes place in Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and the North-Eastern States.

Cultivation of French Beans: Important Aspects

Climate: French beans thrive best in tropical and temperate regions. For optimal yield, a temperature range of 16 to 24°C is considered ideal.

Soil: Well-drained loam soil is ideal for the cultivation of French beans. The optimal pH range for the soil is between 5 and 7.

Sowing Time: The appropriate time for sowing French beans varies based on the season and region; During Kharif (hill region), sowing is done from the last week of June to the first week of July, during Rabi (plains), Sowing is done until the second fortnight of October and during spring (lower hill region), sowing is done until the second fortnight of March.

Varieties: French bean varieties are classified into two groups: dwarf or bush varieties and climbing or pole varieties. The state-wise recommended varieties are as follows: For Uttar Pradesh - HUR-137 and Malviya Rajmash-137; For Maharashtra - Varun (ACPR-94040) and HPR-35 3; For Bihar - IPR 96-4 (Amber); Fpr Rajasthan Ankur; For Karnataka - Arka Anup; For Gujarat - Gujarat Rajma-1; and for Uttarakhand - VL Rajmash 125 and VL Bean-2. In Tamil Nadu, for the hilly regions - YCD-1, Ooty-1, Ooty (FB)-2, Arka Komal (Sel.9), Premier, Arka Bold, Arka Sampoorna, and Arka Karthik, while

for the plains - Arka Komal, Premier (Sel.9), Arka Suvidha, Arka Anoop, Arka Samrudhi, and Arka Suman are recommended.

Field Preparation: For field preparation, the soil is plowed 2-3 times using a power tiller or a hoe. To create a fine soil texture suitable for sowing, planking is done during the final plowing. French bean seeds have a thick and tough coating, requiring a well-prepared seedbed. Therefore, beds of suitable size should be made for sowing. The seedbed should have adequate moisture and be free from weeds and residues of the previous crop.

Fertilizer Management: Treat the french bean seeds with the bacterium Rhizobium before sowing. This protects the crop from soil-borne diseases. Apply 50 to 80 kg of urea per acre, 45 kg of DAP per acre, and 33 kg of MOP per acre. Also, use 20 kg of nitrogen during the flowering stage of the crop. During field preparation, apply 8 to 10 tons of FYM per acre to maintain nutrient balance in the soil.

Irrigation Management: At the time of sowing french beans, there should be a sufficient amount of moisture in the field. This ensures proper germination of the seeds. After sowing, irrigate as needed at intervals of 7 to 10 days. This promotes the growth and development of the crop.

Weed Management: Weeds are quite prevalent in french bean cultivation. Hence, remove undesirable plants by executing weeding and hoeing 2 to 3 times. If the weed proliferation is severe, chemical-based inputs can also be used.


  • Pod Borer: Light brown and small green caterpillars create holes in the pods and eat the seeds inside.
  • Leaf-Eating Caterpillar: Green caterpillars consume leaves and tender parts of the plants.
  • Bin Beetle: Small, soft-bodied insects suck the sap from leaves, tender twigs, and flower buds. As a result, the crop curls, becomes deformed, and dries up.


  • Anthracnose: Black spots with red or yellow margins on all parts above the ground on hypocotyls are the cause of death. Seeds inside the pod are also infected.
  • Rust: Yellow spots are found in clusters, which are initial symptoms. Later they change to deep brown to black elongated lesions. The entire plant can be destroyed in a serious condition.
  • Leaf Spot: Small round or irregular spots appear on the leaves.


  • For vegetables: Typically, the crops will be ready for harvesting within 40 to 50 days after sowing, varying with the variety and growing season. Opt for harvesting during cooler times, like late afternoon or early morning. After harvesting, promptly move the produce to a shaded area. Additionally, plan for 2 to 3 rounds of harvesting at intervals of 4 to 5 days.
  • For pulses: The crop reaches maturity in 125-130 days. Once the plants show signs such as extensive leaf shedding, pod color change, and grain hardness indicating full maturity, they are harvested using sickles. After sun-drying for 3-4 days, the harvested material is gathered into bundles and taken to threshing areas. Threshing is carried out by beating with sticks or by bullocks trampling over it. The resulting clean seeds are then sun-dried for another 3-4 days to reduce their moisture content to 9-10%.

Yield: With modern techniques of french bean cultivation, a yield of 75-100 quintals per hectare can be achieved. Its market price ranges from ₹120-  ₹150 rupees per kg. Accordingly, depending on minimum yield and prices, income per hectare can range from ₹900,000 (75 quintals × ₹120) to as much as ₹1,500,000 rupees (100 quintals × ₹150).

Do you cultivate french beans? Share your answer and experience with us in the comments. This article provides complete information on fertilizers and nutrients, along with other important information and to explore more such content follow the 'Krishi Gyan' channel now. If you liked this post, please like and share it with all your farmer friends.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: In which months are french beans sown?

A: The sowing varies according to different regions and seasons. For instance, in northern India, sowing typically occurs in the months of October and February. In cooler areas, it is done in November, and in hilly regions, sowing takes place in February, March, and June.

Q: What is the right time for sowing beans?

A: The ideal time for sowing beans varies based on the season and region, such as during the last week of June to the first week of July in the monsoon season, the second fortnight of October in the winter season, and the second fortnight of March in the spring season.

Q: How long does it take for french beans to mature?

A: French beans generally take about 45 to 60 days to grow fully for harvesting. This duration can vary slightly depending on the variety of beans and climatic conditions. Therefore, with proper sowing time and conditions considered, a good yield can be obtained from French bean cultivation.

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