Efficient Cultivation of Cucumber

Cucumbers are used in salads, sandwiches, raita, and various dishes. They are not only delicious but also beneficial for our health. Consuming cucumbers helps replenish water in our bodies, making their demand rise during the summer season. When it comes to farming, farmers in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Maharashtra cultivate cucumbers on a large scale. To achieve advanced cucumber yields, it is crucial to understand the intricacies of its cultivation. Through this post, we will gather information about advanced varieties, suitable soil, fertilizer management, irrigation management, and more for cucumber farming.
How to Cultivate Cucumber?
- Selection of Land: Cucumber cultivation can be done in various types of soil, ranging from sandy loam to heavy clay. However, for better yield, loamy soil rich in organic matter is the best choice. The soil pH level should be between 6 and 7.
- Seed Quantity and Seed Treatment: The quantity of seeds depends on the varieties. Generally, about 300-350 grams of seeds are needed per acre of land. Treat 1 kilogram of seeds with 2 grams of Captan.
- Seed Selection: Choosing the right seeds is crucial for cucumber cultivation. To enhance cucumber yield, selecting the right seeds is important. Use high-quality seeds that are tolerant to diseases. For high production and good quality, use hybrid seeds recommended by experts.
- Varieties: For better yield in cucumbers, you can select varieties such as Shine-Wonder Strike F1, Iris-Dawat F1, VNR-Kumud F1, Namdhari-NS 404, Syngenta-Kafka, Seminis-Malini, Iris-Indra F1 Hybrid, VNR-CU 2, and Seminis-Padmini.
- Field Preparation: Proper preparation of the cucumber field promotes increased yields. Plow the field 3-4 times to prepare it. After plowing, level and loosen the soil by using a harrow.
- Fertilizer Management: Using fertilizers in the crop provides plants with all the nutrients and micronutrients they need, resulting in better growth and cucumber yield. While preparing the field, mix 100 quintals of manure per acre. At the final plowing of the field, use 90 kilograms of urea, 125 kilograms of single super phosphate (SSP), and 35 kilograms of muriate of potash (MOP) along with 4 kilograms of DeHaat Starter per acre. To achieve good yields, always test the soil before applying fertilizers. Ensure proper drainage in the field.
- Timely Sowing: It is also important to sow cucumbers at the right time. The sowing time varies according to different regions. For summer crops, sow in February-March. For monsoon crops, sow in June-July. In hilly areas, sowing is done in March and April.
- Sowing Method: In a well-prepared field, create ridges at a distance of 1.5 meters, leaving 23 to 35 inches between the seeds. Sow seeds at a depth of 1-2 centimeters. Make holes on the ridges for sowing seeds, placing 2 seeds in each hole.
- Irrigation: Timely irrigation increases cucumber yield. During irrigation, ensure that there is no waterlogging in the field. To avoid this problem, ensure proper drainage. Irrigate the cucumber crop based on the moisture present in the soil. Lightly irrigate immediately after sowing. During the summer season, irrigate every 2 to 3 days. Irrigation is not required when it rains.
- Weed Management: To tackle the weed problem in the field, carry out weeding as needed. Perform the first weeding 20-25 days after sowing and the second weeding 40-45 days after sowing.
- Disease and Pest Control: The cucumber crop is particularly affected by pests and diseases such as fruit flies, red pumpkin beetles, leaf-curling insects, cucumber mosaic virus, and powdery mildew. To protect the crop from diseases and pests, regularly implement disease management and pest management measures. If any symptoms of diseases or pests appear, immediately use insecticides and fungicides.
- Pruning and Staking: Plants can be better developed using pruning and staking techniques, which can also increase the yield.
- Harvesting and Yield: The first harvest of cucumbers can be done 45 to 60 days after sowing. The average yield from an acre of land ranges from 40 to 80 quintals. However, the yield may vary based on different varieties, weather conditions, and regions.
What variety of cucumber do you cultivate? Let us know your answer in the comments. For agricultural information, you can also consult experts by contacting DeHaat's toll-free number 1800-1036-110. Follow the 'Krishi Gyan' channel for more information. Also, don’t forget to like the post.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: In which month is cucumber sown?
A: In plain areas, cucumber can be sown twice a year. For summer crops, sowing is done in February-March. For the monsoon crop, sowing takes place in June-July. In hilly areas, it is sown in March and April.
Q: How many days does it take for a cucumber to bear fruit?
A: Cucumbers are ready for harvest 40 to 60 days after sowing.
Q: What fertilizer should be used for cucumbers?
A: Cucumber crops require 90 kilograms of urea, 125 kilograms of single super phosphate, and 35 kilograms of muriate of potash. When preparing the field, divide the urea into three parts and mix one part, i.e., 30 kilograms of urea, with the full amount of single super phosphate and muriate of potash.
Q: How many cucumbers can one plant produce?
A: One cucumber plant can yield about 4 to 5 kilograms of fruit. Keep in mind that cucumber yield also depends on its varieties, climate, soil, fertilizers, irrigation, etc.
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