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brinjal (eggplant)
Dr. Pramod Murari
DeHaat Expert
4 year

eggplant cultivation

Brinjal is cultivated in almost all regions of India except in high altitude places. It contains many nutrients like protein, carbohydrate, calcium, magnesium etc. The above-ground land of Jharkhand state is suitable for the cultivation of brinjal. Brinjal is counted among the major vegetables grown in all seasons.

  • It can be cultivated in all types of soil. Sandy loam soil with organic matter is best for good yield of brinjal.

  • Sowing of brinjal in cold season should be done in July-August. Sowing of brinjal in summer season should be done in the month of January-February. On the other hand, brinjal is sown during the rainy season in the month of April.

  • For better yield of brinjal, decomposed manure should be used at the rate of 200 to 250 quintals per hectare.

  • About 21 to 25 days after sowing the seeds, the plants are ready for planting in the field.

  • It is good to transplant the plants in the evening. Light irrigation should be done after transplanting.

  • If the brinjal planted in the plants is not plucked on time, then the crop may get spoiled.

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