Fertilizer Management in Cotton

In cotton farming, providing the right amount of fertilizers at the proper time is crucial. A balanced supply of essential nutrients is needed to enhance crop growth and increase yield. Key fertilizers for cotton include nitrogen, phosphate, and potash, which promote the development of leaves, stems, branches, and healthy roots.
Damage Caused Due to Lack of Fertilizers in Cotton Crop
- Nitrogen Deficiency: Leaves begin to fall, growth halts, and the crop ripens prematurely.
- Phosphorus Deficiency: Proper formation of fruits and seeds is hindered, roots dry up, and fewer branches develop.
- Potassium Deficiency: Leaves turn brown and develop spots.
- Zinc Deficiency: Yellow spots appear on cotton leaves, and plants become bushy.
- Reduced Yield and Quality: Crop yield and quality may decrease.
- Underdeveloped Plants: A balanced supply of nutrients is essential, or plant growth may be stunted.
- Smaller Bolls: Improper fertilization can result in smaller boll sizes.
- Reduced Fiber Quality: The quality of the cotton fiber may decline.
- Increased Sensitivity: Plants may become more vulnerable to pests and diseases.
Fertilizers to be Used in Cotton and When
- Basal Dose (1-20 days): The first basal dose is applied within 1-20 days after sowing. Use 25 kg of Urea, 40 kg of DAP, 40 kg of MOP, 4 kg of Sulphur 90% WDG, 4 kg of Starter (Mycorrhiza), and 50 kg of PROM (Phosphate Rich Organic Manure) per acre.
- 2nd Basal Dose (25-35 days): For the second dose of fertilizer, apply 40 kg of Urea, 60 kg of DAP, 30 kg of MOP, and 10 kg of Bentonite Sulphur per acre.
- Growth Stage (35-45 days): To promote healthy growth, use NPK (19:19:19) at 5 grams per liter of water. Also, apply Ikkon HS (Humic Acid) at 2-3 ml per liter and chelated micronutrients at 1 gram per liter for spraying.
- Flowering Stage (50-60 days): During flowering, plants require potassium. Use NutriOne Potassium Nitrate 13:00:45 at 5 grams per liter and NutriOne Boost Master at 2-3 ml per liter of water to encourage flowering and prevent drop-offs.
- Flower Shedding Stage: If flowers begin to shed, spray MKP (Mono Potassium Phosphate) 00:52:34 at 5 grams per liter and apply Achilles GA (Gibberellic Acid) at 2-3 liters per acre to reduce shedding.
- Flower Maturity Stage (60-70 days): For healthy growth, apply zinc and micronutrients. Use NutriOne 09:27:18+TE at 5 grams per liter and NutriOne Zinc EDTA at 1-2 grams per liter of water.
- Boll Formation Stage (70-85 days): During boll formation, use MKP 00:52:34 at 5 grams per liter and FIXAA (Amino Acid 62%) at 2-2.5 ml per liter for spraying.
- Boll Shedding Stage: To prevent shedding, apply SOP (Potassium Sulphate) 00:00:50+17.5% S at 5 grams per liter and Boron DOT (Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate) B-20% at 1 gram per liter.
- Boll Development Stage (85-110 days): Use NutriOne Potassium Sulphate at 5 grams per liter to enhance boll size and quality, ensuring better crop yield.
What fertilizers do you use for better cotton yield? Share your answers with us in the comments. For more such information to improve your crop cultivation, follow the 'Krishi Gyan' channel right away. Don’t forget to like this post and share it with other farmers.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What is the best fertilizer for cotton crops?
A: Nitrogen (Urea) is the most widely used fertilizer in cotton farming due to its high demand by the plant and its low availability in the soil. If granular urea is used, its nitrogen content works effectively for only about a week.
Q: Which soil is best for cotton farming?
A: Black soil is the most suitable for cotton farming as it retains moisture for a long time and has an abundance of humus. Its high water retention capacity and ability to provide nutrients to the crop over time make it ideal for cotton production.
Q: What is the role of potash in cotton?
A: Potash plays an essential role in cotton crop growth, flowering, and fruit development. It also helps increase the plant's resistance to diseases.
Q: What is the use of micronutrients in cotton farming?
A: Micronutrients are crucial for the growth of the cotton crop up to the time of harvest. They help prevent flower shedding, and the use of boron and magnesium during the flowering and boll opening stages results in a good yield.
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