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paddy / rice
Krishi Gyan
23 May

Fertilizer Management in Paddy Crop

In India, rice cultivation is predominantly carried out during the Kharif season. Proper nutrition is quite crucial for the proper development of rice plants. The main nutrients required for rice crops are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. In addition to these, rice plants also need some micronutrients. To obtain a good harvest, fertilizers should be used based on soil testing of the field. Also, special attention should be given to the condition of the plants. Here in this post, we will cover detailed information on fertilizer management in paddy crops.

Problems Caused Due to Lack of Fertilizers in Paddy Crop

  • Decrease in Yield: The lack of balanced nutrients in paddy plants hinders their growth or causes the plants to grow at a slower pace.
  • Decline in Quality: Nutrient deficiency severely affects the quality of the crop. Poor-quality grains may fetch lower prices in the market, leading to financial losses for farmers.
  • Infestation of Pests and Diseases: Inadequate use of nutrients weakens the plants and reduces their disease resistance, increasing the likelihood of various diseases and pest infestations in the crops.

Fertilizer Management During Field Preparation

  • Organic Carbon: Incorporate 4 tons of fully decomposed cow dung manure per acre into the field.
  • Zinc Deficiency: If the field is deficient in zinc, use 8 kg of zinc-rich fertilizer per acre.
  • DeHaat Starter: Apply 4 kg of 'DeHaat Starter' per acre. This promotes better root development and strengthens the plants.

Fertilizer Management During Transplantation

  • Use 45 kg of DAP per acre in the field.
  • To address nitrogen deficiency in the crop, use 33-35 kg of urea per acre in the field.
  • For potassium supplementation, use 20 kg of MOP per acre in the field.

Fertilizer Management During Growth Stage

  • To supply nitrogen, apply 35 kg of urea per acre in the field 25 days after planting the crops.

Fertilizer Management to Obtain More Tillers

  • To address nitrogen deficiency in the crop, apply 35 kg of urea per acre in the field 42 days after planting.
  • To address potassium deficiency, apply 10 kg of MOP per acre in the field 42 days after planting.
  • Use 1-2 ml of ‘DeHaat Nutri One Zinc Oxide’ per liter of water.
  • Use 2-3 ml of ‘DeHaat Nutri One Boost Master’ per liter of water.

Fertilizer Management During Panicle Development

  • Approximately 55-60 days after transplanting the plants use 13:00:45 (DeHaat Nutri One KNO3-13:00:45).

Things to Keep in Mind While Using Fertilizers for Crops

  • Soil Testing: It is very important to get the soil tested before using fertilizers in paddy crops. This will provide us with information about the correct quantity of nutrients present in the soil. Based on this information, we can replenish the nutrients that are deficient.
  • Appropriate Quantity: It is essential to use nutrients in balanced quantities for better growth of plants. Using fertilizers in excessive or insufficient quantities can lead to various disadvantages.
  • Suitable Timing: Using nutrients at the right time is necessary for the growth of crops. By using fertilizers at the right time, we can obtain a high yield along with quality produce.

Effects of Excessive Use of Fertilizers

  • Soil Quality: Excessive use of fertilizers can make the soil acidic, leading to a decrease in its fertility. Consequently, the yield and quality of crops also begin to decrease gradually.
  • Environmental Impact: Excessive use of fertilizers contributes to the problem of environmental pollution.
  • Health Hazard: Prolonged excessive use of fertilizers can lead to the accumulation of harmful chemicals in the soil and crops, which can be hazardous to our health.
  • Increase in Cost: The use of fertilizers in excessive quantities leads to an increase in the cost of agriculture.
  • Decrease in Biodiversity: Excessive use of chemical fertilizers can harm beneficial microorganisms present in the soil, resulting in a negative impact on biodiversity and soil quality.

Do you test the soil before using fertilizers in paddy cultivation? Let us know your answer through comments. Follow the 'Krishi Gyan' channel for more information like this to gain more knowledge on efficient farming. Also, don't forget to like and share this post with other farmers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Which fertilizers are used for rice cultivation?

A: In India, farmers typically use nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) fertilizers for rice cultivation. The quantity of NPK fertilizers used may vary depending on factors such as soil type, climate, and other factors. Generally, farmers use urea as a source of nitrogen, single superphosphate or diammonium phosphate as a source of phosphorus, and muriate of potash as a source of potassium.

Q: When should potash be used in rice?

A: Potash is an essential nutrient for the growth of plants and is necessary for strong stems and roots as well as for the production of flowers and fruits. In India, the timing of potash application depends on the type of crop and soil. For crops such as rice, sugarcane, and cotton, potash is usually applied in divided doses. The first dose of potash is applied at the time of planting or sowing, and subsequent doses are applied at regular intervals of 30-40 days after planting or sowing.

Q: What should be done for good rice production?

A: To achieve good rice yields, one should select high-yielding varieties first. Along with this, attention should be paid to land preparation, seed treatment, proper sowing and transplanting methods, spacing between plants, irrigation, weed control, pest and disease management, timely harvesting, and other related factors.

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