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Krishi Gyan
6 Apr

Manure Management in Okra

Okra is cultivated on a large scale in the Indian states of Bihar, West Bengal, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Assam, and Maharashtra. The okra crop does not require a very high quantity of fertilizers. However, in some cases, such as low germination and slow plant growth, the crop may require nutrients and micronutrients. Nutrient deficiencies in crops can be addressed through fertilizer and manure management. The use of organic and chemical fertilizers is found to be quite beneficial for increasing okra yields. For elaborate and detailed information on fertilizer management in okra cultivation, please read this post carefully.

Benefits of Using Fertilizers in Okra Crop

  • Plant Growth: Nutrients play a vital role in the proper growth of plants. Fertilizers provide these essential nutrients to okra plants, helping them grow healthy and strong.
  • Increased Yield: Fertilizers provide okra plants with the nutrients they need to produce more fruit. This can lead to a significant increase in okra yield.
  • Improved Fruit Quality: When okra plants have access to the nutrients they need, they produce higher-quality fruit. This means that the fruit will be larger, more flavorful, and have a longer shelf life.
  • Root Development: Some fertilizers can help promote root development in okra plants. This can help the plants anchor themselves in the soil and make them more resistant to wind and water damage.
  • Disease and Pest Resistance: When okra plants are well-nourished, they are better able to resist diseases and pests. This can help reduce crop losses and improve overall crop health.

Fertilizer Management While Preparing the Field

  • Use 100 quintals of cow dung manure per acre of field.
  • At the time of the last plowing of the field, mix 43 kg of Urea, 124 kg of Single Super Phosphate (SSP), and 33 kg of Muriate of Potash (MOP) per acre of field.
  • For better growth of plants and roots, use 4 kg of 'DeHaat Starter' per acre of field.

Fertilizer Usage: After Sowing and at the Time of Flowering and Fruiting

  • For good okra yield, apply 5 gm of NPK 19:19:19 (DeHaat Nutri One NPK 19:19:19) per liter of water about 10-15 days after sowing seeds.
  • Use 5 gm of 00:52:34 (DeHaat Nutri One Mono Potassium Phosphate, Geolife Nano Fert, Katra Fertilizers Nano NPK 00:52:34, Shriram Sathi) per liter of water.
  • For boosting the number of flowers and fruits in plants, before flowering, use 5 gm of 13:00:45 (DeHaat Nutri One Potassium Nitrate 13:00:45, Geolife Potassium Nitrate, IFC NPK 13:00:45) per liter of water. Its application also increases the size of the fruits.

Fertilizer Usage: Increasing the Size of Okra Fruits

  • Using a biostimulant to increase the size of fruits is a better option for okra cultivation. For this, during the flowering stage of the plants, mix 25-30 ml of Gibberellic Acid 0.001% L (DeHaat Akillis GA, BACF Nutrigibb, Dhanuka Maxyld, Sumitomo Hoshi Ultra) in 15 liters of water and apply.
  • For better results, mix 5 gm of DeHaat - Calcium Nitrate with Boron per liter of water per acre in the field.
  • After the first fruiting occurs, apply 40 kg of Urea per acre in the field.

Things to Keep in Mind While Using Fertilizers for Crops

  • Soil Testing: It is necessary to test the soil before using any fertilizer in crops. Through soil testing, we can obtain information about the correct quantity of nutrients present in it, and accordingly, we can determine the selection of crops and the correct quantity of fertilizers.
  • Appropriate Quantity: Using a balanced quantity of fertilizers is essential for the better development of crops. The excessive use of fertilizers can cause much damage.
  • Apt Time: It is necessary to use fertilizers at the right time for the growth of crops. By doing so, along with higher yields, we can obtain quality crops.

Effects of Excessive Use of Fertilizers

  • Soil Quality: Excessive use of fertilizers can make the soil acidic and reduce its fertility, leading to a gradual decline in crop yield and quality.
  • Environmental Impact: Excessive fertilizer use contributes to environmental pollution issues.
  • Health Risk: Prolonged use of fertilizers beyond the required amount can lead to the accumulation of harmful chemicals in soil and crops, posing health risks for consumers.
  • Increase in Cost: Excessive fertilizer application leads to increased expenses in agriculture.
  • Adverse Impact on Biodiversity: Overuse of chemical fertilizers can harm beneficial microorganisms in the soil, impacting biodiversity and soil quality.

What fertilizers do you use in okra cultivation? Share your answers and experiences with us in the comments. For more information like this, follow the 'Krishi Gyan' channel now. Also, don't forget to like and comment on this post.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What do you understand by fertilizer management?

A: The process of providing and managing nutrients for crops is called fertilizer management. There are several important tasks in fertilizer management, including soil testing to determine the presence of nutrients in the soil, providing nutrition to crops according to their needs, determining the appropriate amount of nutrients, etc. Through fertilizer management, we can enhance the development of plants, soil productivity, crop quality, and so on.

Q: What fertilizer should be given to okra?

A: In okra cultivation, well-decomposed cow dung manure should be used along with Urea, Single Super Phosphate, and Muriate of Potash.

Q: In which season is okra farming done?

A: In India, okra farming is successfully done in both the Rabi and Kharif seasons.

Q: How many days does it take for okra to bear fruit?

A: Approximately 45 days after sowing okra seeds, you can harvest the first fruits. Post that, fruits can be harvested every 3 to 4 days.

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