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Krishi Gyan
3 July

Improved Varieties of Tomatoes

Tomatoes are cultivated in almost all states of India. However, major tomato-producing states include Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar. Tomatoes are among the most widely consumed vegetables in India, indicating high demand in the market. This can be a significant source of income for farmers. It is a short-duration crop, allowing farmers to increase their income and improve their livelihoods. Knowing about the best varieties of tomatoes is essential for achieving good profits from the cultivation of tomatoes. Here in this post, we will go through the information on some of the important varieties of tomato and their specific characteristics.

Improved Varieties and Features of Tomatoes

  • Syngenta Heemsohna: Plants of this variety are robust with a higher number of branches. They have good fruit production capacity. Due to its high storage capacity, it is a better variety for long-distance transportation. The first harvest of fruits can be done approximately 65-75 days after transplanting these plants. The fruits are medium-sized, round, glossy red in color. Each fruit weighs between 90-100 gm. Approximately 60 gm of seeds are required per acre for cultivating this variety.
  • Iris Sarang F1: Fruits of this variety ripen quickly. They are oval-shaped and deep red in color. Each fruit weighs between 90-100 gm. The plants are ready for the first harvest of fruits approximately 60-62 days after transplanting. About 60 gm of seeds are required per acre for cultivating this variety. This variety is tolerant to Leaf Curl Virus and Bacterial Wilt disease.
  • Shine F1 Jumbo: This is a hybrid variety of tomatoes. The plants of this variety are tolerant to higher temperatures and some diseases. The fruits of this variety are deep red in color, smooth, and round in shape. Each fruit weighs on average between 80-90 gm. The plants are ready for the first harvest of fruits in the main field approximately 55-60 days after transplanting. About 50-60 gm of seeds are required per acre for cultivating this variety.
  • Seminis Abhilash: During the monsoon season, this variety has the best yield potential. For cultivating this strong plant variety, approximately 60 gm of seeds per acre are required. The plants are ready for the first harvest of ripe fruits approximately 65-70 days after transplanting. The fruits of this variety are of good quality and are attractive with a deep red color.
  • Syngenta TO-3150: This variety can be grown in all seasons - monsoon, winter, and summer. The plants of this variety are large and early fruiting. The tomatoes of this variety are uniform in size. The fruits are large, smooth, round, and deep red in color. Each fruit weighs approximately 70-90 gm. This variety is suitable for long-distance transportation.

Apart from the best tomato varieties in India given above, you can also earn good profits by cultivating varieties like Seminis - Ansal, Namdhari NS 4266, Namdhari NS 962, Urja S-22, VNR 3171, Syngenta Saaho (TO-3251), Syngenta TO 1057 F1 Hybrid, Shine Orion F1 Hybrid, etc.

Which variety of tomatoes do you cultivate and how much profit do you earn from it? Share your answers and experiences with us in the comments. For more such information, follow the 'Krishi Gyan' channel now. Also, don't forget to like and share this post to spread this information to other farmers, so that they too can benefit from such types of information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Which is the best variety of tomato?

A: In India, several varieties of tomatoes are cultivated, each with unique characteristics and uses. Some varieties are preferred for fresh consumption, while others are grown for processing into ketchup or other canned products. The best variety of tomatoes depends on their intended use.

Q: How many days does it take for a tomato plant to bear fruit?

A: Tomato plants typically start bearing fruit approximately 60-80 days after transplanting. The fruiting period of the plants also depends on the variety, season, and climate. Ensuring adequate water, sunlight, and nutrients is crucial for healthy plant growth and fruit production.

Q: In which months should tomato cultivation be done?

A: Tomato cultivation in India can be undertaken throughout the year based on the region and climate. Generally, tomato cultivation is carried out during the cooler seasons, from October to February. In Northern India and parts of Southern India, it is cultivated from November to March. However, in some regions, tomatoes can be successfully grown during the warmer months from March to June with proper irrigation and shade management.

Q: How many tomatoes does one plant produce?

A: The number of tomatoes produced per plant depends on various factors including tomato variety, climate, crop care, etc. On average, a tomato plant in India can yield approximately 3 to 5 kg of tomatoes in one season. This yield can vary depending on the specific variety of tomatoes.

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