Management of Fall Army Worm in Maize

Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Bihar, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh are some of India's major maize-producing states. One of the most harmful pests to maize crops is the Fall Armyworm. This pest is also known as the Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda). These insects eat almost all parts of the plant. Due to their rapid growth, they can cause significant damage to the crop in a very short time. Through this post, we can learn about identifying the Fall Armyworm, the damage it causes, and methods of control.
Identification of Fall Armyworm in Maize Crop
- The larvae of this pest are typically green-brown in color. Their bodies are smooth with yellow stripes running along both sides.
- There is an inverted "Y" shaped mark on their heads resembling the letter 'Y' in English.
- Adult pests can be identified by their brown color and wings that are approximately 1.5 inches long.
- Female pests lay eggs in clusters on the underside of leaves. The eggs are usually white or yellow in color.
- These pests are more active during the night.
Life Span of Fall Armyworm
- The fall armyworm is a polyphagous insect from the family of tobacco caterpillars.
- A female insect can lay eggs up to 10 times in its lifetime.
- Each time, the female lays between 50 to 200 eggs.
- It takes 3 to 4 days for the larvae to emerge from the eggs.
- After that, the larvae take about 14 to 22 days to transform into pupae.
- The pupae take approximately 7 to 13 days to develop into adult moths.
- This insect is capable of traveling up to 100 kilometers in a single day.
Damage caused by fall armyworm in maize crop
- The larvae scrape and feed on the leaves.
- White streaks start appearing on the affected leaves.
- Several small and large holes may be seen on the leaves.
- Adult pests feed on the upper parts of the leaves, maize kernels, and the husks covering the kernels, which can completely destroy the crop.
- Sometimes, these pests also bore holes into the maize stem, further damaging the crop.
- In addition, these pests spread diseases like mosaic virus.
- Plant growth can become stunted.
- There is a reduction in crop yield.
Methods to control fall armyworm in maize crop
- Adopt crop rotation.
- If possible, collect and destroy the eggs of the pest.
- Install 4 to 6 pheromone traps per acre of field.
- These pests are attracted to light traps. Hence, use light traps in the field for their control.
Chemical Method to Control Fall Armyworm
- To control this pest, apply 80 grams of Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG (brands like DeHaat Illigo, Dhanuka EM1, Adama Amnon, BACF Evoke) per acre of land.
- If the number of larvae on the crop is high, spray 80 ml of Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + Lambda-Cyhalothrin 4.6% ZC (Syngenta Ampligo) per acre.
- You can also control this pest by using 180 ml of Spinetoram 11.7% SC (Dow Delegate, Tata Rallis Summit, Nagarjuna Syndicate) per acre.
Keep these things in mind while using insecticides
- Use insecticides in the appropriate quantity.
- Ensure adequate moisture in the field while applying chemical insecticides.
- Follow the instructions provided on the insecticide packaging.
- Spray insecticides in the morning or evening.
- Insecticides contain various harmful chemicals that can be dangerous to humans, so keep them out of reach of children.
- During spraying, cover your hands, eyes, and mouth properly with gloves, goggles, and a mask.
What chemical inputs do you use to control armyworms in maize crops? Please share your answers and experiences with us in the comments. For agricultural-related information, you can also consult experts by contacting DeHaat's toll-free number 1800-1036-110. Don't forget to like and comment on this post. For more such information, follow the 'Agri Doctor' channel now.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What pests affect corn?
A: Several types of pests infest corn crops, including fall armyworm, stem borer, cutworm, white grub, thrips, aphids, spider mites, and leafhoppers.
Q: What are the symptoms of fall armyworm?
A: Symptoms of fall armyworm infestation in corn crops first appear on the plant leaves. These symptoms include torn and elongated holes in the leaves, wilting and drying of the leaves, and the presence of larvae on the plants. The larvae of fall armyworms are usually green or brown with a distinctive inverted "Y" shape on their heads. If this pest is not controlled, it can cause significant damage to corn crops.
Q: How to control pests in corn?
A: Pests in corn crops can be controlled in several ways. We can manage pests by adopting crop rotation and integrated pest management. Additionally, pests can also be easily controlled in corn crops using both biological and chemical methods.
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