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19 Feb

Mango: How to Manage Orchards in February-March Months

Mango: How to Manage Orchards in February-March Months

During the months of February and March, mango trees begin to exhibit signs of flowering. To ensure optimal mango production, special attention is required during the flowering period. Consistent inspection of mango orchards is essential to safeguard against various pests and diseases, preventing issues such as shedding, darkening, and cluster formation of flowers. Let's explore in detail the tasks undertaken after the appearance of flowers on mango trees.

Diseases Affecting Mango Tree 

Powdery Mildew Disease: Mango trees are susceptible to several diseases, one of which is Powdery Mildew. It is also known by various names in different regions. This disease manifests as white powder-like substances on the flowers of mango trees. It adversely affects fruit formation in mango trees. For control, apply 600 gm of Propineb 70% WP (DeHaat Zinacto) per acre. Additionally, you can also apply (spray) 300 ml of Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% SC (DeHaat Azytop) per acre mixed with 300 liters of water.

Flower Cluster Formation: To prevent this problem, affected flowers and branches should be pruned and separated. Additionally, apply 600 ml of amino acid 62% (DeHaat Fixaa) per acre mixed with 300 liters of water to control the issue effectively.

Shedding of Flowers: Often, trees start shedding flowers due to a deficiency of essential nutrients. To address this issue, mix 15 gm of calcium with 20 gm of boron per plant into the soil. This nutrient-rich blend helps mitigate shedding and promotes overall tree health and vitality. For the supplementation of calcium and boron, apply 250 grams of Di-Sodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate - B-20% (DeHaat Nutri One DOT) per acre in the field. Additionally, use 10 kg of DeHaat Nutri One Calcium Borate per acre in the field. These nutrients play a crucial role in enhancing soil fertility and promoting healthy plant growth.

Pests Affecting the Flowers

Mango Hopper: The most damaging pest on mango trees is the mango hopper, which can destroy the entire harvest. Both the larvae and adult pests, appearing brown in color, feed on leaves, tender twigs, and flowers of the trees. The larvae excrete a sticky substance, causing leaves to turn yellow and flowers start falling off. They suck the sap of flowers and also leave behind a sticky residue on them, which attracts fungus that dries them out. Even if fruits somehow manage to develop, they are so weak that they fall at the slightest breeze. Effective pest control measures are essential for combating this pest. For controlling mango hoppers, apply 120 gm of Thiamethoxam 25% WG (DeHaat Asear) mixed in 300 liters of water per acre. Additionally, 100 ml of Imidacloprid 200 SL (17.8% w/w) (Bayer Confidor) can be used in 300 liters of water. For further control, mix 300 ml of Lambda cyhalothrin 5% EC (Syngenta Karate) in 300 liters of water.

Mealybugs: To protect the crop from mealybugs, mix 5 gm of Beauveria bassiana per liter of water and spray. Additionally, we can also control various pests by spraying 225 ml of neem oil 1% EC (IFC Neem 10000) per acre.

Fertilizer Management

Use of Micro-nutrients: During mango cultivation, micronutrients aid in preventing the shedding of flowers and small fruits. Additionally, micronutrient supplementation helps in removing damaged flowers from clusters, facilitating the growth of only high-quality flowers, and resulting in the development of quality fruits. Common deficiencies observed in mango crops include zinc, copper, and boron. Application of 5 kg of Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate (DeHaat Nutri One ZnSO4) per acre is recommended for micronutrient supplementation in the fields.

Use of Dehat NutriOne Boost Master: Boost Master is a fertilizer made from marine seaweed that aids in the process of pollination and fruit formation. This product is beneficial for the vegetative development of plants. Additionally, the use of Boost Master enhances root development, improves soil health, and assists in the absorption of nutrients in crops. Its application improves the process of photosynthesis, resulting in greener leaves. Boost Master also helps enhance the resilience of crops against abiotic stress. For optimal results, use 2-3 ml of Boost Master mixed per liter of water.

Use of DeHaat NutriOne NPK 09:27:18: The use of DeHaat NutriOne NPK 09:27:18, a nutrition compound enriched with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, proves beneficial in promoting flower formation in mango plants. It also aids in small fruit and flower retention on trees. It also contains sulfur, boron, and molybdenum. For mango plants, apply 5 gm of DeHaat NutriOne NPK 09:27:18 mixed per liter of water during flowering to enhance yield and quality.

Things to Keep in Mind After Flowering on Mango Trees

Spraying Pesticides: After the emergence of the flowers, pesticides should not be sprayed. At this time, spraying pesticides can also kill bees, which can cause problems in the pollination process. In case of infestation, bio-pesticides such as Beauveria bassiana (Anand Agro Care - Brave, Katyayani - Beauveria, Amruth - Almax, and BACF Mycota) can be used at the rate of 1,500 ml per 300 liters of water. Pay special attention to the dosage to avoid harming the bees. Additionally, seek advice from agricultural experts before spraying pesticides.

Spraying in the Evening: There are some pests that require the spraying of pesticides to protect the flowers. However, farmers face a major issue as spraying pesticides also leads to the death of bees. In such cases, spraying during the evening can be beneficial. Spraying in the evening avoids hindering the pollination process, ensuring the safety of bees and uninterrupted pollination.

What kind of problems do mango trees face in your orchard after the occurrence of flowering? Tell us your answers through comments. If you liked the information given in this post, then like this post and also share it with other farmers. It will enable more farmer peers to benefit from this information and achieve higher mango yields. For more such information, follow the 'Horticulture' channel now.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Which are the main pests of mango?

A: Some of the major pests that affect mango trees and fruits adversely are mango hoppers, mealybugs, fruit flies, stem borers, and nut weevils.

Q: What is the best fertilizer for mango trees?

A: For mango trees, the best fertilizer includes well-decomposed cow dung or compost along with Di-ammonium phosphate (DAP), Urea, and Muriate of Potash (MOP). Additionally, the application of micronutrients like zinc, copper, and boron proves beneficial. The quantity of fertilizers depends on the age of the plants/trees.

Q: What to do for a good yield of mango?

A: To get a good yield of mango, stop irrigation before flowering. Due to irrigation, new leaves start growing in the plants, due to which the flowers are less or not formed. After emergence, maintain an appropriate amount of moisture in the orchard until the fruits mature.

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