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Animal husbandary
Pashupalan Gyan
Pashu Gyan
6 Mar

Milk Fever Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Milk Fever Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Milk fever not only affects cows and buffaloes but also goats. If it is not addressed properly within some time, this disease can prove fatal for animals. Calcium deficiency in the blood is one of the main causes of milk fever. Colostrum contains 12-13 times more calcium than blood. After delivery, a large amount of calcium comes out of the body along with colostrum. If the animals do not get a balanced diet, their body becomes deficient in calcium. Apart from this, the risk of this disease also increases due to sudden changes in the quantity and quality of animals' feed.

Stages of Milk Fever

There are three stages of milk fever disease in animals. Following are the symptoms of all stages of milk fever and methods of its prevention.

Symptoms of the First Stage of Milk Fever Disease

  • In this condition, symptoms of tetanus are seen in animals.
  • Animals become more sensitive and excited.
  • Animals stop eating and drinking, and they remain seated with their tongues out.
  • In the first stage, animals' teeth start chattering and their body temperature becomes slightly higher than normal.
  • There is stiffness in the hind legs and body.
  • Many times animals start falling due to partial paralysis.

Symptoms of the Second Stage of Milk Fever Disease

  • In this condition, the animals have difficulty getting up and standing. That's why most of the time the animals sit with their necks bent.
  • The body temperature of animals starts becoming lower than normal and the legs and body become cold.
  • The pupils of the eyes dilate and the eyes become swollen.
  • Affected animals stop blinking.
  • Due to the improper functioning of the stomach, the problem of constipation starts.
  • The muscles become loose.
  • Heart sounds become muffled and the heart rate may increase to 60 beats per minute.
  • Issues of low blood pressure may also occur.
  • The pulse of the affected animals becomes weak.

Symptoms of the Third Stage of Milk Fever Disease

  • In this stage, the animals become unconscious and remain lying on the floor most of the time.
  • Due to low body temperature, the feet and body of animals become cold.
  • The heart rate of animals increases to 120 beats per minute and heart sounds become less distinct.
  • Muscles become paralyzed.
  • The chances of getting Aafra disease increases, as the animals remain seated for a long time.

Ways to Protect Animals from Milk Fever Disease

  • In case of milk fever disease, feed the animals food that is quick and easy to digest.
  • As per the advice of the veterinarian, increase the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the diet of animals 3 months before delivery.
  • To overcome calcium deficiency, include 100 ml 'DeHaat Vetnocal Gold' daily in the diet of animals.
  • Do not make sudden changes in the diet of animals.
  • Also include dry grass and fodder in the diet of animals.
  • After delivery, feed a balanced diet to the animals.
  • Consult a veterinarian as soon as symptoms of this disease appear.

Specialties of DeHaat Vetnocal Gold

  • Its consumption mitigates the calcium deficiency in the body of animals.
  • It reduces the chances of osteoporosis.
  • It aids in increasing milk production capacity.
  • It reduces the risk of milk fever disease in animals.
  • This product helps strengthen the bones and teeth of animals.

Dosage of DeHaat Vetnocal Gold

  • To fulfill the calcium requirement, include 100 ml of 'DeHaat Vetnocal Gold' per day in the diet of animals.
  • Give 20 ml 'DeHaat Vetnocal Gold' to the calf twice a day.

What are the different methods you adopt to protect animals from various diseases? Tell us your answers through comments. For more information on keeping animals healthy and protecting them from various diseases, follow the 'Pashu Gyan' channel now. Apart from this, you can also get expert advice and information by contacting DeHaat's toll-free number 1800-1036-110. You can purchase 'DeHaat Vetnocal Gold' products by visiting your nearest DeHaat Center or ordering at home through hyperlocal convenience. Don't forget to like and share this post to spread this information to other farmers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What causes milk fever?

A: Milk fever disease is caused by the deficiency of calcium in the blood. This condition is usually seen in lactating cows.

Q: How to mitigate calcium deficiency in animals?

A: To overcome calcium deficiency in animals, it is important to give them a balanced diet. Many types of products are available, which you can include in the diet of animals as per the consultation of the veterinarian to mitigate calcium deficiency.

Q: What is the treatment for milk fever?

A: Treatment of milk fever is possible by feeding calcium calcium-rich diet to the cow. Provide digestible food to the animals suffering from this disease and allow them to have adequate rest. Along with this, also consult a veterinarian.

Q: How to identify animals having milk fever disease?

A: Milk fever can be identified in animals by its symptoms. Symptoms in animals like restlessness and loss of appetite, low body temperature, muscle tremors, difficulty in standing or walking, weakness, stiffness in the body, low heart sounds, increased heart rate, low blood pressure, etc. help in identifying the disease.

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