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farming technology
Dr. Pramod Murari
DeHaat Expert
3 year

modern agricultural machinery for weed control

Weeds are very harmful for fruits, vegetables and all other crops. Its excess can reduce the yield of crops by 30 to 40 percent. There are many types of agricultural machines available in the market to control weeds. Let us get detailed information on modern agricultural machinery for weed control.

Some important agricultural machines for weed control

  • Kono Weeder: This device consists of two rotors, float and frame which are connected with the handle. The rotor is 3 cm back and forth, so that the weeds come out from the root. The depth is controlled by the float. Kono weeder is mostly used in paddy crop. Apart from the paddy crop, it can also be used in many other crops, which have been sown in rows.

  • Disc harrow : It is a modern agricultural machinery through which weeds can be easily controlled along with plowing the field. It is used by putting it in the tractor. Weeds are cut and mixed in the soil by this device.

  • Wheel Handle: These devices have 1 or 2 wheels and 1 long handle. The weed is controlled by pulling the machine back and forth with the help of the handle. This device is provided with straight blades, dimensional hoe, spike harrow, tine cultivar, etc. for various types of soil. Weeds can be cut or removed from the root with the help of this device. Along with this, the grass can also be cut and pressed into the soil.

Apart from these tools, weeds can be easily got rid of by the use of hoe, shovel and spade, animal-operated weeding machine, automatic rotary power weeder, etc.

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