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Krishi Gyan
24 Feb

Efficient Cultivation of Okra

Efficient Cultivation of Okra

Okra cultivation presents a lucrative opportunity for Indian farmers, offering the potential for healthy harvests and profitable returns. This versatile crop boasts numerous health benefits, being rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and dietary fibers. Its popularity among green vegetables remains consistently high due to these nutritional advantages. Additionally, okra requires relatively less water compared to other major crops, making it suitable for farmers with limited access to irrigation. In this blog, we will explore detailed information on okra farming essentials to guide farmers effectively.

How to Cultivate Okra?

Selection of land: Okra can be cultivated efficiently in many types of soils. For its better yield, sandy to clayey soil rich in organic elements is suitable. The pH level of the soil should be between 6.0 to 6.5.

Seed quantity and treatment: Seed quantity depends on the seed variety. Generally, 3 to 6 kg of seeds are required per acre of field. Treat each kg of seed with 2 gm of Carbendazim or 5 gm of Imidacloprid. Before sowing, soak the seeds in water for 24 hours. This makes germination easier.

Selection of seeds: It is important to select the right variety of seeds for okra cultivation. Use hybrid seeds recommended by agri-experts for a better quality harvest of okra.

Varieties: For a better yield of okra, you can select some of the best seed varieties of DeHaat. Some of them are DeHaat DHS 1195, DeHaat DHS 1197, and DeHaat DS Harika Super. Apart from this, you can also choose varieties like Syngenta- OH 102, Namdhari- NS 862 Bhindi, Shine- Aditi Super F1 Hybrid, Iris- Shivani F1 Bhindi, etc.

Field preparation: Plow 3-4 times and prepare the field. After plowing, make the soil of the field flat and friable by leveling the soil. While preparing the field, mix 100 quintals of cow dung manure per acre of field. Mix 80 kg of urea per acre of the field at the time of the last plowing of the field. Make proper arrangements for drainage in the field. To get a good yield, get the soil tested before using fertilizer in the field.

Sowing method: Sow the seeds in rows. Keep a distance of 18 inches between all rows. There should be a distance of about 6-8 inches between plants.

Irrigation and weed management: Irrigate the crop depending on the moisture present in the soil. Carry out light irrigation immediately after sowing. After this, irrigate at an interval of every 6 to 8 days. To get rid of the problem of weeds in the field, carry out weeding as necessary. Do the first weeding 20-25 days after sowing and the second weeding after 40-45 days after sowing.

Disease and pest management: Okra crops are more prone to pests and diseases like aphids, white flies, fruit borer, mosaic virus disease, root rot disease, etc. These diseases and pests can become a major cause of loss in the yield of okra. Therefore, if incidences of these diseases or pests occur, use appropriate pesticides/chemicals as required.

Harvesting of okra fruits: The first harvesting can be done about 50 to 60 days after the sowing of okra. Delay in harvesting of okra fruits causes the formation of fibers in them. This deteriorates the taste and the farmers do not get fair prices when sold in the market. Harvesting of the fruits should be carried out in the morning or evening.

How to Increase the Size of Okra Fruits?

  • To increase the size of fruits, use 5 gm of 13:00:45 Potassium Nitrate (DeHaat Nuti One KNO3) mixed with per liter of water on okra plants.
  • Using bio-stimulants is a better option to increase the size of fruits. For this, at the time of flowering and fruit development of plants, use Akillis GA (Gibberellic Acid 0.001%L) at the rate of 25-30 ml mixed per 15 liters of water.
  • For better results, use DeHaat - Calcium Nitrate with Boron mixed with 5 gm per liter of water per acre of field.

Weed Management of Okra


  • Weeding is a suitable option to control weeds.
  • Do the first weeding of the crops 20 to 25 days after sowing. After this repeat this process as per requirement.

Use of herbicides:

  • Before sowing, spray 400 ml of Pendimethyl 30% EC mixed with 200 liters of water per acre of land to control weeds.
  • After sowing and before seed germination, spray Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL (Chopoff) in the field at the rate of 500-800 acres per 200 liters of water, to control broad leaf weeds.

What are the common challenges you face in okra farming? Share your answers and experiences with us in the comments section. For more insightful content, be sure to follow the 'Krishi Gyan' channel. Don't forget to like and comment on this post for engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: In which states is okra cultivated in India?

A: In India, okra is cultivated on a large scale in Bihar, West Bengal, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Assam, and Maharashtra.

Q: In which season is okra cultivated?

A: Okra is cultivated in both Rabi and Kharif seasons.

Q: In how many days do the okra crops bear fruits?

A: The first harvesting of okra fruits can be done about 45 days after the sowing of okra. After this, okra fruits can be harvested at an interval of every 3-4 days.

Q: How much gap should be maintained for okra plants in the fields for cultivation?

A: The distance between okra plants may vary according to different varieties. Generally, its sowing is done in rows. There should be a distance of 18 inches between all the rows and about 6 to 8 inches between plants.

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