Pseudomonas: A Boon for Crops

Fungi have great importance in our lives. Fungi are essential in human nutrition, serving as food in the form of mushrooms and aiding fermentation in bread, cheeses, and various beverages. Fungal secondary metabolites, like antibiotics and anticoagulants, are utilized as medicines. Many types of fungi are also useful for plants, but sometimes these fungi can damage the crops. This problem can be solved with a bacterium called Pseudomonas. Let's explore and understand about Pseudomonas and its importance in agriculture.
What is Pseudomonas?
Pseudomonas is a type of bacteria found in soil and water. Specific strains of Pseudomonas produce antifungal compounds that inhibit the growth of fungal pathogens. These compounds can directly target the fungi, disrupting their cellular processes and leading to their inhibition or death.
Why is Pseudomonas Beneficial for Plants?
- Pseudomonas can help make plant-based nitrogen available to your plants. It has the ability to convert nitrogen gas into ammonium or nitrate, which is important for plants.
- Some Pseudomonas strains can help protect plants from bacterial and fungal infections. Additionally, they can also produce antimicrobial proteins that help protect plants.
- Some Pseudomonas strains can help provide nutrition to plants. They have the ability to provide minerals and nutrients to plants, which are vital for their proper growth and development.
- Specific strains of it can help in the germination of the seeds. Hence, it can help farmers produce better fertile crops.
- Pseudomonas can be used as a biofertilizer, which can be a source of natural fertilizers for plants. It boosts the supply of natural fertilizers and helps maintain the health of the soil.
- Pseudomonas can also help in fighting against pollution. These can be used in climate systems, water areas, and other natural projects.
Dosage of Pseudomonas in plants
- To protect crops from seed-borne and soil-borne diseases, treat seeds with 2.5 ml Pseudomonas fluorescens in liquid form per kg.
- If Pseudomonas is in powder form, treat the seeds with 5 gm of Pseudomonas per kg.
Side Effects of Pseudomonas on Plants
Pseudomonas is used in plant protection against many diseases. But it should be used in balanced and proper quantity. Pseudomonas can also cause harm to plants. Its excessive use can cause the following problems:
- The number of leaves in plants starts decreasing.
- The roots of the plants start rotting.
- There may be improper growth of plants.
- The quality of crops may decrease.
- A decrease in the immunity of plants against diseases may be seen.
- Excessive use of Pseudomonas can cause nutrient deficiency in plants.
- In particular, virulent strains of Pseudomonas tolaasii cause blight diseases and shedding issues in mushroom plants.
Effect of Pseudomonas on Fungi
- It helps destroy fungi in a natural way.
- Pseudomonas bacteria produce special enzymes against fungi, which destroy the fungal structure. This can prevent the appearance of molds.
- Pseudomonas can also be used to inhibit the nutritional structure of fungi. This bacterium destroys the mutual filaments of fungi, thereby destroying them.
Things to Keep in Mind
- Overuse of Pseudomonas may increase susceptibility to molds. Use it with caution.
- Along with plants, it can also be harmful to humans, animals, and fish. It can cause gastric inflammation and bleeding in fish.
- Some strains of Pseudomonas are known to target white blood cells (WBC) in various mammals. Therefore it is equally dangerous for humans, milch animals, sheep, and dogs.
Have you ever used Pseudomonas in farming? If you have done so, you can share your experience with other farmers through comments. For more such information follow the 'Desi Jugaad' channel now. Don't forget to like and share this post to spread the information.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: How is Pseudomonas beneficial to plants?
A: Pseudomonas promotes plant growth by suppressing pathogenic microorganisms, synthesizing growth-stimulating plant hormones, and enhancing plant disease resistance.
Q: How is Pseudomonas used in agriculture?
A: Pseudomonas is helpful in increasing the immunity of plants by destroying fungi naturally. Its use reduces the use of chemical fertilizers by 25-30%. At the same time, crop productivity increases by 25%. It is used in seed and root treatment. Apart from this, it is also used in the form of spraying or drenching.
Q: Is Pseudomonas a biofertilizer?
A: Yes, Pseudomonas is a type of biofertilizer commonly used in agriculture. It is a beneficial bacteria that can help improve soil health and plant growth by fixing nitrogen, solubilizing phosphorus, and producing substances that promote plant growth.
Q: In which crops Pseudomonas can be used?
A: Pseudomonas can be used in cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, and ornamental plants. In India Pseudomonas is commonly used in crops like rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, cotton, soybean, sugarcane, groundnut, potato, tomato, and chilli.
Q: How to use Pseudomonas?
A: Seed treatment can be done with Pseudomonas fluorescens. This protects crops from seed-borne and soil-borne diseases. If plants are to be transplanted, the roots can be treated by immersing them in Pseudomonas solution before transplanting.
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