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Weed Management
18 Feb

Weed Management for Sugarcane Crop

Weed Management for Sugarcane Crop 

Sugarcane holds a pivotal role in the Indian agricultural sector, serving as a key crop for the production of jaggery and sugar. Its cultivation significantly contributes to the prosperity, employment generation, and economic growth in the sector. However, the detrimental effects of weeds pose a significant threat to the financial stability of farmers. Hence, effectively managing weed infestations is imperative to ensure a robust yield of healthy sugarcane. For a deeper understanding of weed management strategies tailored to sugarcane cultivation, continue reading below.

Effective weed management is crucial for safeguarding sugarcane crops and ensuring the economic viability of sugarcane cultivation for farmers.

Damage from weeds in sugarcane cultivation leads to various adverse effects

  • Reduced Growth: Weed infestations in sugarcane crops slow down growth, potentially leading to decreased yields and productivity for farmers.
  • Decreased Sweetness: Weeds can also affect the sweetness of sugarcane, impacting the quality and quantity of jaggery and sugar produced.
  • Yield Loss: Weed-related damages can result in yield losses of up to 40% in sugarcane crops, significantly impacting farmers' incomes.
  • Disease and Weed Outbreaks: Weeds contribute to the spread of various diseases and infestations in sugarcane crops, posing challenges for crop protection measures.
  • Economic Loss: Decreased yields and compromised quality due to weed damage can cause significant economic losses in the market for farmers, affecting their financial stability.
  • Increased Costs: Utilizing weedicides incurs additional expenses for farmers, escalating production costs and reducing profitability.

Various methods are carried out in sugarcane cultivation to control weeds

Weeding and tilling:

  • Weeding and tilling can be done 20 to 25 days after sowing the crop to control weeds effectively.
  • Additionally, a second weeding can be performed 40 to 45 days after sowing, or as needed.
  • Weeding and tilling not only provide proper nutrition to the crop but also help in mitigating weed problems. This practice ensures healthier sugarcane crops and reduces the impact of weeds on the crop yield.

Chemical inputs:

  • To prevent the propagation of weeds, within two days of sugarcane planting, apply 800 milliliters of Pendimethalin 30% EC (Dhanuka - Dhanutop, BACF - Plod) per acre in the field.
  • Before germination of sugarcane, apply 800 gm of Atrazine 50% WP (Tata Rallis - Atrataf, Dhanuka - Dhanuzine) per acre in the field.
  • 25 days after sowing, apply 36 gm of Halosulfuron Methyl 75% WG (Dhanuka - Sempra) per acre in the field.
  • 25 days after sowing, apply 1 kg of Ametryne 80 % WDG (Adama - Tamar) per acre in the field.
  • In the case of broad-leaf weeds, apply 600 grams of 2,4-D Sodium Salt 80% WP (Dhanuka - Weedmar) per acre in the field, 25 days after sowing.

Things to keep in mind while applying weedicides

During the application of chemicals, it is crucial to keep in mind certain important points. Here are some key considerations to bear in mind:

  • Avoid repeated use of the same weedicide. Repeated use can lead to weeds developing resistance.
  • Use chemical weedicides only once in a crop cycle.
  • Read and follow the instructions provided on the weedicide packet.
  • Ensure that the soil has adequate moisture during weedicide application to facilitate proper absorption.
  • Apply the correct dosage of weedicide during spraying to avoid any adverse effects on the crop.
  • Do not mix insecticides or fungicides with herbicides, as it may reduce the effectiveness.
  • Many herbicides contain harmful chemicals. Excessive use can be detrimental to soil and the environment.
  • Use silicone-based stickers along with weedicide applications.
  • The effectiveness of silicone-based stickers depends on factors such as area, rainfall, plant age, and crop type.
  • Use 40 ml silicone-based sticker (IFC Super Sticker) per acre of land.

These guidelines ensure safe and effective weed management practices, minimizing risks to both crops and the environment.

When it comes to controlling weeds in sugarcane crops, what methods do you use? Share your answers with us in the comments. For more information on weed control, follow the 'Weed Management' channel. Don't forget to like and share this post with other farmers! Your contribution can help fellow farmers improve their weed management practices.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How to control weeds in sugarcane?

A: Adopting intercropping in sugarcane cultivation can prove beneficial for farmers in preventing weeds. Intercropping reduces the problem of weeds due to less vacant space in the fields. Additionally, using neem cake also helps in getting rid of weeds. Moreover, in case of weed infestation, utilize synthetic herbicides.

Q: What precautions should be taken while spraying weedicides?

A: Weedcides/herbicides contain various harmful chemicals that can adversely affect human health. Therefore, while spraying them, cover your face properly with a cloth. Also, wear gloves on your hands. After spraying weedicides, thoroughly clean your hands. Empty packets of weedicides can be harmful to animals. Hence, do not throw those packets randomly.

Q: What are some of the broadleaf weeds?

A: Bathua, Senji, Doodhi, Hiran Khuri, Kandai, Wild Spinach, Wild Peas, Black Nightshade, etc., are some prominent broadleaf weeds. They proliferate in almost all regions of India.

Q: How is weeding done?

A: Weeding is done to control the growth of weeds in the fields. Implements such as the hoe, cultivator, or harrow are used for weeding. In this process, weeds are uprooted from the roots or cut from the upper surface of the soil. This process requires more time and labor. Therefore, it is more commonly used in small fields compared to large ones.

Q: When should herbicides be applied?

A: Herbicides should be applied in the morning or evening. During the application of herbicides, the soil should have appropriate moisture.

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