पोस्ट विवरण
Krishi Gyan
7 Oct

Efficient Cultivation of Brinjal: Varieties, Land Preparation, Fertilizer Usage

Brinjal crops are cultivated in almost all regions of India except some hilly areas. The crop has a good demand in the market, and hence, the farmers obtain good profits from its cultivation. If you are also planning to cultivate brinjal, then this post will give you some of the vital information related to its cultivation.

How to Cultivate Brinjal?

  • Suitable Climate: Brinjal is cultivated in all seasons, summer, winter, and rainy. Hot climates are most suitable for brinjal cultivation. Its plants cannot tolerate frost and extreme cold.
  • Selection of Land: It can be cultivated in different types of soil. But fertile sandy loam soil with good drainage is suitable for its better yield. The pH level of the soil should be 5.5 to 6.6.
  • Sowing Time: Sowing should be done in the months of July-August for cool-season crops. For summer crops, sow in January-February. For rainy season crops, sow in April.
  • Seed Quantity and Treatment: Seed quantity depends on the variety. Generally, 80-100 gm of seeds are required per acre of field. Before sowing, treat the seeds with 2.5 gm Carbendazim 50% WP (Dhanuka Dhanustin, Dow Bengard, Crystal Bavistin) per kg of seeds.
  • Best Varieties: It is important to select the right seeds for brinjal cultivation. Select hybrid seeds as recommended by agri-experts to get substantial harvest and good quality crops. By sowing the 'DeHaat DHS 4119' variety of brinjal, you can get good quality and high yield. Apart from this, you can also choose varieties like VNR 212, VNR Poonam, Iris Vinayak F1 Brinjal, Shine Brand Hybrid Opal F1 Brinjal, Sarpan F1 Hybrid Brinjal, etc.
  • Field Preparation: While preparing the field, first plow it thoroughly 4 to 5 times. After plowing, level the field properly. For transplanting the plants prepared in the nursery, prepare ridges in the field about 6 inches high from the ground surface. Try to avoid water logging situations in the field. Water logging situations in the field can increase the possibility of fungal diseases. Therefore make proper arrangements for drainage. You can also carry out farming on flat land.
  • Fertilizer Usage: As a basal dose, apply 44 kg of urea, 44 kg of DAP, and 32 kg of MOP per acre of field. To achieve a good yield, you can use 4 kg of DeHaat Starter per acre while preparing the field. After 30 days of transplanting the plants, apply 44 kg of urea per acre of field.
  • Method of Nursery Preparation: Sow the seeds in rows in the nursery. Sow the seeds at a distance of about 5-6 cm. The depth at which seeds need to be sown should be 1-1.5 cm. At greater depths, seeds face problems in germinating. It takes 4 to 6 weeks for the plants to be ready in the nursery.
  • Transplanting of Plants: Transplant the plants at a distance of 2 feet on the flat land in the field. If you are planting on ridges, then keep a distance of about 2.5 feet between all the plants. Plant the roots at a depth of 5 to 6 cm. This process should be carried out in the evening.
  • Irrigation: This is done depending on the moisture content present in the soil in the crop. In summer season, irrigate at an interval of 2-3 days. In cold weather, irrigate at an interval of 10 to 12 days. Carry out irrigation during cold weather even if there is a possibility of frost. This will increase the temperature of the soil. There is no need for irrigation when it rains.
  • Weed Management: To get rid of the weed problem in brinjal crops, carry out weeding as per requirement. Carry out the first weeding 20 to 25 days after sowing. Apart from this, you can also keep the crop free from weeds by using chemical inputs like herbicides/weedicides. In order to use chemical inputs, before transplanting the plants, apply 600 ml of Pendimethalin 38.7% CS (UPL- Dost Super and BASF- Stomp Xtra) per acre of land. For broad leaf weeds, apply 200 gm Metribuzin 70% WP (Dhanuka- Barrier, Bayer- Sencor, Indorama- Shaktiman Metriman, Shivalik Crop Science- Sacon) per acre of field 1 week before transplantation.
  • Disease and Pest Management: Disease and pest infestation in brinjal crops can become a major reason for the reduction in yield and quality. In brinjal crops, there is a high incidence of pests and diseases like fruit borer, white fly, top shoot borer, mealybug, blight, collar rot, root rot, etc. To protect the crop from these diseases and pests, monitor the field continuously. If symptoms/occurrences of any diseases or pests are seen, use appropriate chemicals to mitigate the problems immediately. If the incidence of diseases and pests increases, immediately consult an agricultural expert.
  • Harvesting of Fruits: Harvesting of brinjal fruits may vary according to different varieties. Generally, fruits are harvested about 50 to 70 days after planting. The harvesting process of the fruits should be carried out in the evening.

What kind of problems do you face in brinjal cultivation? Tell us your answers and experiences through comments. For agriculture-related information, you can also consult agri-experts by calling DeHaat's toll-free number 1800-1036-110. Also, don't forget to like and comment on this post. For more such information, follow the 'Krishi Gyan' channel now.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: In which month is brinjal cultivated?

A: Brinjal can be cultivated in all seasons. But it is generally cultivated in India during the months of June to October.

Q: In how many days do brinjal plants start bearing fruits?

A: Brinjal plants start bearing fruits about 50 to 70 days after the transplantation of plants. The appearance of fruits in plants also depends on their varieties, climate, and proper care.

Q: How to increase the growth of brinjal?

A: Some of the vital factors need to be kept in mind for proper growth of brinjal plants. Avoid water-logging fields for its cultivation. Make proper arrangements to protect the crop from diseases and pests. Along with this, timely irrigation and the use of fertilizers in the right quantity also facilitate in proper development of plants.

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