Cultivation of Green Peas
In India, green peas are cultivated on a large scale in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Bihar, Haryana, Karnataka, and Himachal Pradesh. According to some reports, green peas are grown on 7.9 lakh hectares of land in the country. It is a major Rabi pulse crop. To learn more about pea farming, read this post carefully.
How to Cultivate Green Peas?
- Suitable Climate: Green pea farming thrives in cool and temperate climates with moderate rainfall. An ideal temperature range for crop growth is between 10°C to 25°C.
- Land Selection: Green peas can be successfully grown in various soil types, from sandy loam to clayey soil. The pH level of the soil should be between 6.0 and 7.5.
- Sowing Time: Generally, peas are a winter crop, sown between October and December in most parts of India. However, the sowing time may vary depending on location and weather conditions. In some areas, peas can also be grown as a spring crop, with sowing between February and March.
- Seed Selection & Treatment: Choose high-quality seeds that are disease-free and have a high germination rate. It's also essential to select the right variety of peas based on your region and climate. Seed treatment is necessary to protect the crop from diseases. If purchasing from a reliable company, ensure that the seeds are pre-treated.
- Seed Quantity: The amount of seed required depends on the variety. Generally, 15 to 20 kilograms of seeds are needed per acre.
- Varieties: For better yield, you can choose the 'DeHaat DS Samrat' variety. Other options include Namdhari NS 1155, Iris Hybrid Peas, Namdhari NS 1100, Shriram Sweet Ruby, and Gentex 10 Star.
- Field Preparation & Fertilizer Management: Prepare the field by plowing it 3-4 times. After plowing, level the field and make the soil loose and friable. During the last plowing, mix 45 kilograms of urea and 155 kilograms of single super phosphate per acre. To enhance yield, apply 4 kilograms of ‘DeHaat Starter’ per acre. Ensure proper drainage in the field.
- Sowing Method: Sow peas in rows to facilitate irrigation and weed control. Maintain a distance of 22 inches between rows and 4-5 inches between plants.
- Irrigation Management: Irrigate lightly before sowing to aid germination. After that, irrigate based on soil moisture. Ensure sufficient moisture during flowering and pod filling stages.
- Weed Control: Weeds absorb nutrients needed by the crop, hindering the growth of pea plants. Weeds can significantly reduce the yield of peas. To control weeds, perform weeding 20-25 days after sowing, and again 40-45 days later. If weed infestation is severe, use chemical herbicides with caution to avoid damage to pea plants.
- Pest & Disease Management: Pea crops are prone to pests such as aphids, pod borers, leaf miners, and diseases like white spots and rust. Regularly inspect the crop and apply appropriate pesticides if necessary. Consult an agricultural expert if needed.
- Harvesting: Pea pods are ready for harvesting about 130-150 days after sowing. Not all pods will be ready at the same time, so harvesting can be done 4 to 5 times at intervals of 6 to 10 days.
What other crops do you cultivate along with peas? Share your answers and experiences with us in the comments. Follow the 'Krishi Gyan' channel for more information. Don't forget to like and share this post to help reach more farmers.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What is the best time to sow peas?
A: In India, the best time to sow peas is during the winter season, between October and December, as they need cold weather for germination and growth.
Q: How much seed is required for 1 acre of peas?
A: The seed quantity for 1 acre varies based on the pea variety and location of the field.
Q: How often should peas be irrigated?
A: Peas should be irrigated regularly, especially during the flowering and pod formation stages. In cold weather, irrigate every 3 to 4 days, adjusting based on soil moisture.
Q: What fertilizer should be used for peas?
A: To achieve better yield, apply a balanced amount of fertilizers. Use nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in appropriate quantities. Use the fertilizers based on soil testing results for a better experience.
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