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5 July

Cultivation of Pomegranate

Rich in fiber, vitamins K, B, and C, iron, potassium, zinc, and omega-6 fatty acids, consuming pomegranates is highly beneficial for our health. It also helps combat anemia. Major pomegranate-producing states in India include Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, and Rajasthan. Maharashtra alone accounts for 50% of the total pomegranate production in the country. Additionally, pomegranates are cultivated in Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, and Himachal Pradesh. Due to the year-round demand for pomegranates, farmers can earn good profits from their cultivation. It is a perennial plant, providing fruit for many years once planted. Let's go through various details of the cultivation of pomegranate.

How to Cultivate Pomegranate?

  • Climate: Pomegranate cultivation requires a subtropical climate. Warm and dry climates are suitable for better fruit development. The ideal temperature range for pomegranate cultivation is between 15°C to 40°C. High humidity in the environment increases the chances of fruit cracking and fungal diseases.
  • Suitable Soil: Pomegranates can be cultivated in almost all types of soil. However, for better yield, cultivate in well-drained sandy loam soil. The soil pH level should be between 6.5 and 7.5.
  • Ideal Time for Transplanting: The best months for transplanting new pomegranate plants are from July to September, as the higher soil moisture during this period promotes good plant growth. Additionally, planting can also be done from February to March. In some regions of India, pomegranates can be cultivated throughout the year. This is a perennial crop that can produce fruit for about 20 years after planting.
  • Transplanting Method: Pomegranates are cultivated by planting saplings. You can obtain these from a nursery or by planting cuttings from a mature plant. Plant pomegranate saplings in rows, maintaining a distance of about 5 m between each row. The distance between individual plants should also be 5 m. For planting, prepare pits in the field that are 60 cm wide, 60 cm long, and 60 cm deep. Fill each pit with 20 kg of well-decomposed cow manure and 1 kg of single superphosphate. After filling, plant the saplings in the pits.
  • Irrigation of Plants: Pomegranate plants are drought-tolerant, but to produce high-quality fruits, they should be irrigated at regular intervals. The frequency and amount of irrigation depend on the soil type, climate, and growth stage. Generally, younger plants require more frequent watering than mature plants. Light irrigation should be done after planting for proper plant growth, followed by irrigation as needed. During rainfall, irrigation is not required. In cold weather, irrigate every 12 to 15 days. Drip irrigation is the most effective method for pomegranate cultivation as it delivers water directly to the plant's root zone.
  • Weed Management: Weed control is an important aspect of pomegranate cultivation. Weeds in orchards compete for nutrients and can also harbor pests and diseases. Weeds are controlled by hand weeding. You can use small agricultural tools like hoes and spades for weeding. Mulch around the pomegranate plants with straw, leaves, or grass. This helps control weeds and maintains soil moisture for a longer time. In case of severe weed problems, you can also use chemical herbicides.
  • Disease and Pest Control: Pomegranate plants are susceptible to various diseases and pests such as powdery mildew, canker, anthracnose, fruit rot, fruit cracking, bacterial blight, fruit fly, thrips, mealy bug, and nematodes. To protect plants from these diseases and pests, regularly inspect the crops and apply appropriate insecticides or fungicides at the first sign of infestation. If the problem persists, consult an agricultural expert.
  • Fruit Harvesting: In India, the timing of pomegranate fruit harvesting depends on the variety of pomegranate and the location of the orchard. It can also vary based on the season. Pomegranate fruits should be harvested only when they are fully ripe with their distinctive color. Generally, fruits are ready for harvesting about 120 to 130 days after the plants start bearing fruit. To prevent damage, cut the fruits with a sharp knife along with the stem.

Do you cultivate any other crops alongside pomegranate plants? Share your answers and experiences with us in the comments. If you found the information in this post helpful, please like it and don't forget to share it with other farmers. For more such information, follow the 'Horticulture' channel now.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: In which month should pomegranate plants be planted?

A: The best time to plant pomegranates in India is during the monsoon season. New plants can be transplanted from June to September, with the ideal time being in July or August. The planting time may vary depending on the region.

Q: What fertilizer should be given to pomegranate trees?

A: For better growth of pomegranate plants, they require nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. While preparing the field, you can also use cow manure. Additionally, apply 4 kg of DeHaat Starter per acre.

Q: How many years does a pomegranate tree bear fruit?

A: Pomegranate plants typically start bearing fruit within 2-3 years. With proper care, they can produce fruit for about 20 years.

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