Constructing Dairy Sheds and Its Essential Tips

Constructing Dairy Sheds and Its Essential Tips
Before starting animal husbandry, it is important to have knowledge about many things. This includes information about building shelters for animals. Animal shelters are commonly known as cowsheds and animal sheds. The cleaner and more comfortable the shelter is, the better it is for animals’ health. This directly affects the increase in milk production and the reproductive capacity of animals. Let's get some essential information about building a dairy shed.
How to Build a Dairy Shed?
Dairy sheds/farms are mainly of three types: open, closed, and semi-open dairy farms.
- Open Dairy Farm: In an open dairy farm, walls are built around a selected area to house animals. Inside, animals are left free with arrangements for food and water. More space is needed to build an open dairy farm. Animals are not kept tied up in such housing, so they are more comfortable. However, it's not possible to give different food to all animals in this setup. As a result, animals start bothering each other for food.
- Closed Dairy Farm: In this type of shed, animals are kept tied up and each animal is given separate food and water. Less space is needed to construct this housing. It is easy to identify sick animals in closed housing. The cost of building such dairy farms is higher.
- Semi-open Dairy Farm: Semi-open dairy farms are very useful for farmers who have livestock. Animals mostly roam around in the open in semi-open housing. They are only tied during milking and treatment times. Some parts of the semi-open housing are covered and some remain open. Small calves and pregnant animals are kept separately in covered areas. Also, covered spaces are built to store the food given to the animals. 1/4th part of the semi-open farm is covered while the 3/4th part remains open.
Things to Keep in Mind While Constructing a Dairy Shed
- Location: Selecting the right location for a dairy shed is important. A dairy shed should always be placed in a flat area. It should be situated in an area that is well-drained and has good ventilation. The housing for animals should be slightly elevated compared to other areas so that waterlogging does not occur during rainfall. Proper arrangements for drainage of water should be made in the animal housing. It should be near the residence of the dairy farmers so that it is not difficult to take milk and provide food and water to the animals.
- Size: The size of the dairy shed depends on the number of animals you keep. Usually, for each cow, there is a need for 7 square meters of open area and 3.5 square meters of covered or enclosed area. For each buffalo, there is a need for 8 square meters of open area and 4 square meters of covered or enclosed area. This provides comfort for the cows and buffaloes to move around easily and avoid crowding.
- Design: The design of the dairy shed should be such that it is easy to clean and maintain. The roof of the dairy shed should be sloped to prevent water from accumulating on top. Walls should be made using materials like bricks or concrete for strength.
- Floor: Avoid making the floor in the dairy shed with soil. Problems like mud can occur due to cow urine or dung in the soil floor. Whereas it is easier to clean the concrete floor. Make proper arrangements for water drainage to prevent water logging situations. Also, prepare the drainage system on a slope.
- Ventilation and Sunlight: For the health of animals, there should be proper airflow in the dairy shed. Without the facility of sunlight and ventilation, animals can face various problems. Construct windows in the dairy shed for the circulation of fresh air. This will also reduce the formation of harmful gases like ammonia.
- Light: There should be enough light in the shed for cows to see and move comfortably. Arrange natural light during the day and artificial light (electricity) for night.
- Water and Feed: Provide clean troughs for cows' food and water in the dairy shed. Make separate troughs for feed and water. Each adult animal (cow and buffalo) needs a trough that is 60 to 75 centimeters long. Arrange a trough that is 40 to 50 centimeters long for each calf's food and water.
- Keep Cleanliness: Pay special attention to cleanliness to prevent the formation of harmful bacteria and diseases. Regularly clean animal dung, urine, floors, etc. Also, clean the troughs as needed.
- Safety: Dairy sheds should be secure to prevent theft of animals or other items kept in animal housing. To keep cows safe, it should have a strong gate and fence.
- Cost: The cost of constructing a dairy shed depends on its size and the facilities available inside it. The cost may also increase for the maintenance and repair of animal housing.
Have you ever built or arranged solid shelters for your animals? Tell us in the comments. For more information on animal health, follow the 'Pashu Gyan' channel now. Also, don't forget to like and share the post.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What is the subsidy provided under the MGNREGA Pashu Shed Yojana?
A: Financial assistance of ₹75,000 will be provided to cattle farmers for the construction of floors, sheds, troughs, urinal tanks, etc. on their private land for housing and managing the animals. If the animal husbandry has 4 animals then they will be provided financial assistance up to ₹1,16,000.
Q: How to make sheds for animals?
A: While building a shed, ensure there should be provision of open space as well as closed space for the animals as per requirement. Keep its walls about 8 ft high. So that there is no possibility of animals running away. Animal shelters can be damaged by animals, so make them sturdy and also take special care of cleanliness.
Q: How much area is required for managing 100 cows?
A: Around 1,500 sq ft of space is required to manage 100 cows.
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