पोस्ट विवरण
Krishi Gyan
3 Nov

Fertilizer Management in Tobacco Farming

Tobacco is cultivated in both the Kharif and Rabi seasons in India and holds significant importance among cash crops, providing good profits to farmers. It is essential to have knowledge of fertilizer management to achieve a good yield of tobacco. If plants do not receive the right amount of fertilizers and nutrients at the right time, it directly impacts the yield and quality of the crops. In this article, we will share information about fertilizer management for tobacco farming, enabling farmers to improve their crops.

Fertilizer Management in Tobacco

Proper manure and fertilizer management is crucial for achieving good yields and excellent quality in tobacco farming. The right amount of fertilizers should be used according to your field's needs and soil fertility, ensuring that the plants receive all the necessary nutrients for optimal growth.

Fertilizer Management in Tobacco Nursery

  • To ensure healthy growth and better development of plants in the nursery, mix 50 grams of ammonium sulphate, 50 grams of potassium sulphate, 300 grams of superphosphate, and 100 grams of dolomite in a 10-meter square bed.
  • This mixture enhances soil fertility and strengthens the plants. After seed germination, apply 25 grams of ammonium sulphate for top dressing twice at 4-day intervals.
  • This provides the necessary amount of nitrogen, promoting rapid growth of the plant's roots and leaves, resulting in healthy and robust nursery plants.

Fertilizer Management in the Main Field

  • The correct use of manure and fertilizers in the main tobacco crop is extremely important for enhancing plant growth and productivity. The quantity of fertilizers is determined based on regional requirements, ensuring that plants receive balanced nutrition and improving the quality of the crop.
  • Fertilizer Management for Northern India : In Northern India, the application rate is 217 kilograms of urea, 52 kilograms of DAP (Di-Ammonium Phosphate), and 40 kilograms of MOP (Muriate of Potash) per acre for tobacco cultivation. This fertilizer combination provides the essential nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash required for proper plant development, resulting in higher yields.
  • Fertilizer Management for Southern India: In Southern India, the usage is 108 kilograms of urea, 42 kilograms of DAP, and 33 kilograms of MOP per acre. Considering the climatic and soil conditions of Southern India, a slightly lower quantity of fertilizers is used here to ensure better growth and production of the crop.

Use of Green Manure and Organic Fertilizers

  • The use of organic fertilizers and green manure are employed to improve soil structure and provide essential micronutrients to plants.
  • In North India, for tobacco cultivation, green manure such as sun hemp should be applied in the fields along with 4-5.5 tons per acre of FYM (Farm Yard Manure).
  • This practice enhances soil quality and ensures that plants receive all the necessary nutrients.
  • In South India, 2 tons of FYM (cow dung manure) per acre is used, which improves soil structure and provides essential nutrition to plants.
  • Regular use of organic fertilizers also improves the quality of tobacco, which fetches a higher price in the market.

Have you ever cultivated tobacco? If yes, what fertilizers and nutrients do you use? Share your answers and experiences with us in the comments. For more interesting and valuable information like this, follow the 'Krishi Gyan' channel now. And if you liked the post, don’t forget to like it and share it with your fellow farmers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Where is tobacco farming most prevalent?

A: Tobacco farming in India is primarily practiced in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, and Bihar. These states contribute approximately 85% of the total tobacco production in the country. The favorable climate and soil availability in these regions are considered conducive to tobacco farming, allowing farmers to achieve high yields.

Q: When is tobacco sown?

A: Tobacco can be sown in both the Rabi and Kharif seasons. The sowing for Rabi crops occurs between October and November, while June to July is the most suitable time for Kharif crops. Timely sowing improves both plant growth and yield, so farmers pay special attention to these months.

Q: What type of soil is best for tobacco cultivation?

A: Loamy and sandy loam soils are considered the best for tobacco farming. This type of soil has good drainage capacity and provides essential nutrients to tobacco plants. For optimal tobacco yield, the soil pH should be between 5.5 and 7.0.

Q: What is the yield of tobacco?

A: The yield of tobacco depends on soil quality, climate, and crop management techniques. On average, 4 to 6 quintals of tobacco are produced per acre of land. With proper care and management, this yield can be even better.

Q: What is the right time for harvesting tobacco?

A: Tobacco leaves are harvested when they are fully developed and contain the necessary amount of nicotine. This period typically occurs between 90 to 120 days after planting, depending on the variety of tobacco and crop conditions. Harvesting at the right time enhances the quality of the leaves and increases their market demand.

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