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Krishi Tech
10 Nov

Importance of Irrigation and Its Modern Agricultural Equipment

Water scarcity poses a significant threat to humans, animals, and plants alike, placing their livelihoods in jeopardy. In agricultural contexts, the importance of irrigation cannot be overlooked, as crop yield is heavily reliant on consistent water supply. Without adequate irrigation, plants/crops suffer stunted growth and eventual deterioration, highlighting the critical role of water management in the case of agricultural productivity. Through this post, we will learn about the benefits of irrigation, its various methods, and modern agricultural equipment for irrigation.

Benefits of Irrigation in Crops

  • Plant Development: Irrigation helps in mitigating water deficiency in crops, fostering better plant growth and development.
  • Yield and Quality: Adequate soil moisture maintains plant health, leading to improved crop yield and quality.
  • Reduced Losses: Insufficient rainfall or drought conditions often result in significant crop losses. Proper irrigation management can mitigate these losses effectively.
  • Soil Fertility: Maintaining soil moisture levels is crucial for the development of soil microorganisms, enhancing soil fertility. Through irrigation, we can sustain soil moisture and fertility.
  • Disease and Pest Control: Adequate soil moisture promotes the effectiveness of fungicides and pesticides, making disease and pest control more efficient. Maintaining optimal soil moisture levels aids in disease and pest management.

Different Methods of Irrigation

  • Flood Irrigation: Flood irrigation is a traditional method where water is allowed to flow over the surface of the field. It's a simple way to irrigate without the need for modern machinery, reducing costs. However, proper drainage is essential to prevent waterlogging and potential root diseases in crops.
  • Surface Irrigation: This method has been practiced for centuries, with nearly 95% of irrigated areas still using it. It involves creating channels or furrows to distribute water across fields. While it requires more water, there's a higher risk of soil erosion.
  • Drip Irrigation: It is also known as trickle irrigation. In this method, irrigation is done by dripping water through drops into the roots of the plants. Due to this, a sufficient amount of moisture remains in the soil. Through this method, 30 to 60% of water can be saved. This is the most suitable method for irrigation in water-scarce regions. This method of irrigation aids water to reach the roots of the plants. Ideal for areas with water scarcity, it also aids in minimizing weed growth and allows easy application of soluble fertilizers.
  • Sprinkler Irrigation: Sprinkler irrigation involves the distribution of water onto crops through pipelines in the form of raindrops or jets. Compared to surface irrigation, this method can save up to 25 to 30% of water. It mimics natural rainfall, ensuring efficient water distribution and optimal crop growth while conserving precious water resources.
  • Subsurface Irrigation: In this irrigation system, water is delivered directly to the roots of plants through pipes beneath the soil surface. It's a skilled method that can save up to 70% of water compared to traditional flood irrigation. By efficiently targeting the roots, subsurface irrigation optimizes water usage while promoting plant growth and sustainability.
  • Center Pivot Irrigation: This method involves the rotation of a central pivot point with a sprinkler system around it. Utilizing this technique can lead to water savings of up to 50% compared to traditional methods of irrigation.
  • Micro Irrigation: In this method, small drippers are used to deliver water near the roots of plants. It is a skillful way of irrigation. By using this method, water savings of up to 70 percent can be achieved.

Modern Agricultural Equipment for Irrigation

  • In the market, there are various types of modern agricultural equipment available for irrigation. These include sprinklers, sprayers, pumps, tubes, nozzle rotating systems, and more. You can utilize them according to your needs for efficient irrigation practices. Choose the equipment that best suits your requirements and optimize your agricultural operations.

How do you irrigate your crops? Share your answers and experiences with us in the comments below. For more such informative content, follow the 'Krishi Tech' channel now. Also, don't forget to like and share this post.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What are the different methods of irrigation?

A: In India, various methods of irrigation are employed, including surface irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, sub-surface irrigation, and center pivot irrigation. Additionally, a variety of tools are available for these methods. The selection of irrigation technique depends on the type of crop, soil type, and water availability.

Q: What is the best method of irrigation?

A: The best method of irrigation is determined based on soil types, crops, and water availability. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Generally, drip irrigation is considered the most efficient method. It involves watering crops efficiently. However, there is an initial higher cost associated with installing a drip system, which is why most small-scale farmers cannot afford it.

Q: Why is irrigation necessary?

A: Adequate irrigation is essential in case of insufficient rainfall or dry spells to ensure water availability for crops to grow properly. Insufficient irrigation can impact plants adversely, jeopardizing crop yield and quality. Thus, the necessity of irrigation arises to mitigate the risks associated with water scarcity and sustain agricultural productivity.

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