पशुसंवर्धन ज्ञान
Pashu Gyan
6 July

Effective Methods for Increasing Animal Weight

When animals are healthy, they tend to have a higher milk production capacity. If you are involved in the dairy business, keeping your animals healthy and fit is crucial for earning more profit. On the contrary, lean and unhealthy animals are more prone to various diseases. Many times, livestock owners are always concerned about the health of their cows and buffaloes. For answers to this question, read this post carefully. Here, you can find detailed information on the disadvantages of low weight in animals, important considerations before increasing animal weight, and methods to increase animal weight.

Disadvantages of Low Weight in Animals

  • Decrease in Productivity: Animals with low weight gradually become less productive. Such animals become physically weak and produce less milk.
  • Risk of Diseases: Underweight or malnourished animals are more susceptible to various diseases and infections.
  • Reduced Reproductive Capacity: Low weight affects the reproductive capacity of animals, leading to decreased fertility and lower conception rates.
  • Decrease in Market Value: Farmers do not get adequate profits from selling underweight or malnourished animals. Such cattle do not meet the desired weight or quality standards, resulting in a lower market value.

Things to Consider Before Increasing the Weight of Animals

  • Age of Animals: Younger animals experience more physical growth, whereas adult animals gain weight more slowly.
  • Breed of Animals: Foreign breeds tend to gain weight faster compared to indigenous breeds.
  • Temperament of Animals: Active, gentle, calm, and easily manageable animals have better weight and physical development compared to irritable and restless animals.
  • Quantity of Animal Feed: Animals should be fed according to their age, weight, and breed. Avoid overfeeding to promote rapid weight gain.
  • Quality of Feed: The quality of feed is a crucial factor for the growth and weight gain of animals.
  • Health Checkups: Regular health checkups by a veterinarian can help identify health issues and prevent them from affecting the growth and weight gain of the animals.

Effective Methods to Increase Animal Weight

  • Bypass Fat for Animals: To physically strengthen cows and buffaloes, providing bypass fat can be beneficial. This is a type of animal feed that can be cooked well and given to cows and buffaloes regularly. Initially, animals should be given only 100 gm of bypass fat per day. Gradually, the amount can be increased to 600 gm per day.
  • Cottonseed Consumption: To make cows or buffaloes healthier and bulkier, cottonseed can be fed to them. Consuming cottonseed not only increases the weight of the animals but also improves their skin, making it shinier. Before feeding cottonseed to the animals, make sure to roast or cook it well, as feeding raw cottonseed can harm their health.
  • Include Soybean in Diet: To make animals bulkier, include soybean in their daily diet. Abrupt changes in their diet can adversely affect their health, so start by adding only 100 gm of soybean to the cows' and buffaloes' diet per day. Gradually increase this amount. This will help cows and buffaloes gain weight in a few days.
  • Mustard for Weight Gain: Start adding mustard oil along with grain and cake to the animals' diet. This quickly increases the animals' weight, and noticeable physical changes can be seen in just a few days.
  • Animal Feed: To increase the weight of animals, include wheat, sorghum, maize, and oats in their diet. These feeds are effective in helping animals gain weight.
  • Weight Gain Medication: If your animals are very thin and their weight is not increasing even after including cottonseed, mustard, soybean, etc., in their diet, you can give them medication to increase their weight as per the veterinarian's advice.

What do you include in the diet to increase the weight of your animals? Share your answers and experiences with us in the comments. Also, don't forget to like and share this post to spread this information to as many farmers and livestock owners as possible. For more information on animal health and diet, follow the 'Pashu Gyan' channel now.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How to increase the weight of animals?

A: To increase the weight of animals, it is important to provide them with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs. This may include a combination of high-quality fodder, grains, and supplementary feed. Additionally, ensuring that the animals have access to clean water and a comfortable living environment can also contribute to weight gain.

Q: What should be given to a weak animal?

A: Providing a balanced diet to weak animals is crucial to ensure they receive adequate nutrition and improve their physical development. In cases of severe weakness, consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Q: What should be fed to increase an animal's appetite?

A: To increase an animal's appetite, feed them a diet that is both nutritious and palatable. This can include fresh, high-quality fodder, grains, and supplementary feed. Additionally, adding taste enhancers such as molasses or salt can help stimulate their appetite.

Q: How to make an animal healthy and strong?

A: To make an animal healthy and strong, provide them with high-quality fodder and grains rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals.

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